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JetBoatPilot's New Surf Tech, Thrust Vector Wake

Here's a helpful video for those that may be experiencing difficulty with your Thrust Vector Wake install due to some of the inconsistencies in the factory deflector nozzle's geometry.

Was I suppose to have to disconnect steering cable to install??? The pieces fit right in without me having to remove them. I had to file down the right side stop to give it clearance.

Honestly the fit for deflector that attaches to ladder gave me more fits then installing the TVW. I had to sand off a smidge from back stop at top of deflector because it didnt give me enough movement to get bottom piece with strap in.

I started about 2pm finished up all of it about 5 and an hour or so for my stupid deflector lol.

It does help that I have heated and cooled garage so set it to 70 and went to work.
Was I suppose to have to disconnect steering cable to install??? The pieces fit right in without me having to remove them. I had to file down the right side stop to give it clearance.

Honestly the fit for deflector that attaches to ladder gave me more fits then installing the TVW. I had to sand off a smidge from back stop at top of deflector because it didnt give me enough movement to get bottom piece with strap in.

I started about 2pm finished up all of it about 5 and an hour or so for my stupid deflector lol.

It does help that I have heated and cooled garage so set it to 70 and went to work.
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Make sure that when you install your jetwash deflector the rubber handle is out of the way which could be part of your problem.
@JetBoatPilot I did. I just turned in 90°. I cant tell if the back stop is causing issue or it's just a fraction to large.

It's on there but does not overhang deflector on top. Have to install so its flush for it to fit. 06 sx230
@JetBoatPilot I did. I just turned in 90°. I cant tell if the back stop is causing issue or it's just a fraction to large.

It's on there but does not overhang deflector on top. Have to install so its flush for it to fit. 06 sx230
That could be a problem if it hangs down too low. Rotate your fins to the up position then rotate the nozzles and see if there is an obstruction.
@JetBoatPilot Will deflector push up when underway a little as well? Plenty of clearance with fina down turning nozzles. When I raise fins and turn there is interference, however ladder/deflector raises some no issue
@JetBoatPilot It is actually the handle that is preventing more upward movement on mine not the position of bottom up stop.
Are we gonna be able.to use the ladder with the jetwash deflector in place? Didnt know oi maybe 2 bottom two rungs were still useable
@JetBoatPilot Will deflector push up when underway a little as well? Plenty of clearance with fina down turning nozzles. When I raise fins and turn there is interference, however ladder/deflector raises some no issue
If you're operating at slow speeds there could be an issue if your fins are up but there is not sufficient flow to push the deflector up. The rectangular down stop part needs to be installed as per the instructions. Also did you Install the lock feature (w strap) using the holes nearer to the handle or farthest from the handle? Pictures would be helpful. Front and back.
Are we gonna be able.to use the ladder with the jetwash deflector in place? Didnt know oi maybe 2 bottom two rungs were still useable
Deflector snaps off in Like three seconds so you can use ladder. Float pad says no step. Instruct others not to use the ladder when the jet wash deflector is installed.
@JetBoatPilot It is actually the handle that is preventing more upward movement on mine not the position of bottom up stop.
The handle is the up stop so it's doing its job if its hitting the bottom of the swim platform.
Will take picture tomorrow but it should be in the top one from memory since it measured 7 1/8 inch top post to top rung step. (Older style)

I will say I installed 100% from supplied directions (no video)the fins and deflector had no issue following them.

Now I'm questioning if it should have been in top set or bottom set of holes.
Will take pictures of it in morning
Will take picture tomorrow but it should be in the top one from memory since it measured 7 1/8 inch top post to top rung step. (Older style)

I will say I installed 100% from supplied directions (no video)the fins and deflector had no issue following them.

Now I'm questioning if it should have been in top set or bottom set of holes.
Older ladder should have been top set of holes. I did not test on an 06 but I think the ladder is the same on an 06 as it is on the 07.
we need water reviews!!!! come on weekend!!!!
Here are some pictures.
Standard straight on front picture.

Standard straight on picture from back (see its screwed into top holes as indicated by year model difference (03-09)

Bottom/down stop making contact when resting. I believe it is on "backwards" when I install it properly with overhang from the top of deflector there is not enough room to insert the front between top rung of ladder and pivot bracket. The cause is the overhang not allowing handle to slide all the way up ladder rung.

Again maybe I installed something wrong or I am making it more complicated then needed.
we need water reviews!!!! come on weekend!!!!
Hopefully all this grinding, DIY engineering and geometry differences doesn’t affect performance.
have you watched the last video will posted about the part update and current field mods? if you have not i highly suggest it. simple fix to compensate for yamahas lack of tolerances in the part the grinding doesnt effect function amd probably wont be necessary by the time inget mine lol. it just provides necesssry clearances. im not worried one bit