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JetBoatPilot's New Surf Tech, Thrust Vector Wake

@Wisefam22 is that an aftermarket replacement ladder? has windline sticker on it.
I'm not sure it measures the same as the instructions. Came on boat when I purchased it
@JetBoatPilot Have you started to or thought about adding a 3rd packet of epoxy to the package? After watching the install video, that's the only part that scares me, that I'll run out. Or is it possible to buy an extra just to be safe?
@Wisefam22 is that an aftermarket replacement ladder? has windline sticker on it.

Don't they all? Windline has been the supplier to Yamaha and SeaDoo for decades. I'm 90% sure ours does as well.
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@JetBoatPilot Have you started to or thought about adding a 3rd packet of epoxy to the package? After watching the install video, that's the only part that scares me, that I'll run out. Or is it possible to buy an extra just to be safe?
The epoxy did seem a little light for the pieces... didnt move this morning though
I just swapped my order for the older style, after watching the epoxy video and the all the mods needing to be made here... with a brand new boat, I wasnt comfortable with making these types of modifications.
Whatever makes you comfortable. The standard TV's are worth the price of admission as well.

You might want to reach out to someone that is comfortable with a wrench, as other than the epoxy, the install is very similar on both. Will has already addressed the part that my require grinding on only a select few boats. Many won't run into that issue either.
Whatever makes you comfortable. The standard TV's are worth the price of admission as well.

You might want to reach out to someone that is comfortable with a wrench, as other than the epoxy, the install is very similar on both. Will has already addressed the part that my require grinding on only a select few boats. Many won't run into that issue either.

I'm completely comfortable with a wrench and most all repairs. The issue is that I'm not comfortable connecting a ~$400 item to my ~$60,000 boat with epoxy. Especially, when the warranty is still available, and Yamaha is weird about covering items which have been modified. Everything else has been able to be bolted on but this one needs epoxy, grinding, etc. I would have hoped a more finished product would have been released for the cost of it.

Additionally, as my boats 100% in the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal waters, I'm not positive the "new" features will assist me either way. But thanks for showing that a senior member of this board has to be sarcastic and insulting because someone decided against something.
Sorry you took my tone wrong as I was quite serious as you sounded like you were not comfortable with a wrench or epoxy. That’s a fair statement.

As Will has never produced a product that would void your warranty with Yamaha. In fact I would say they love the products he produces as they address their shortcomings and are 100% optional.

It’s totally understandable if you dont care to epoxy on your boat. I get it, I’m literally in the same boat. But for many of us, the benefits outweigh the pain. In in your case they do not and so it makes sense to go the other route.

You are now clear it’s the epoxy that you are worried about and that eliminates that issue.

Good luck.
I'm completely comfortable with a wrench and most all repairs. The issue is that I'm not comfortable connecting a ~$400 item to my ~$60,000 boat with epoxy. Especially, when the warranty is still available, and Yamaha is weird about covering items which have been modified. Everything else has been able to be bolted on but this one needs epoxy, grinding, etc. I would have hoped a more finished product would have been released for the cost of it.

Additionally, as my boats 100% in the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal waters, I'm not positive the "new" features will assist me either way. But thanks for showing that a senior member of this board has to be sarcastic and insulting because someone decided against something.
lol throttle back there turbo... if you’re afraid to get a little epoxy on your finger nails just say so. Hahaha /s
But thanks for showing that a senior member of this board has to be sarcastic and insulting because someone decided against something.
Wowzers. Absolutely nothing in that post like that. I thought it was very helpful for the position you claimed to be in. I strongly suggest you get a thicker shirt to cover that paper skin, and maybe try not leaving the house. Perhaps if you make a diagram of where the internet hurt you, the real world will take it easy on you. That reaction is insane.
I would have hoped a more finished product would have been released for the cost of it.

For the cost of it, you ordered a very well engineered beta version. That's well beyond prototype. A 100% finalized product will be available at a later date, AT FULL PRICE, for those that do not like this sort of excitement.

For anyone else that "PRE ORDERED" during prototype phase, be reminded, you have been given the opportunity to save money by accepting the fact that little things may change before a final version is sold as a "final version" And many of us that pre-ordered will get a kit that will require no additional modification. And also a little reminder, you are not epoxying fins on your boat. They attach the same way as all the others we have known and loved. You are epoxying a stop which will not effect the function of the factory pumps, bucket or steering. There is no reason in the world that Yamaha should void any warranties for this add on.

Will has been very upfront about this during his development. He is the definition of transparent when it came to hold ups, vendor issues, changes in design and even when his rider was recovering. In fact, he is so good about putting out a great final product that he doesn't even have to reach out to places like Kick starter etc. He just needs to tell a few hundred of us on this board that he has a new product in the works, and you are going to love it, and we send him deposits. That's how few times we have been burned. (I don't know of one, knock on wood) I would be curious how many jumped on board with deposits for the rooster before anyone even knew what the hell it was. That was more guesswork than I cared for, but it's an indication of the respect and anticipation we have for their products. (I will stop giving Will all the credit, he is just the face of a very good team of folks at JBP)

PS: this is not a rant if my tone is coming off wrong. It's just to clarify for anyone else with cold feet. Hell, i'm just looking for a reason to use my DeWalt grinder!!
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I'm completely comfortable with a wrench and most all repairs. The issue is that I'm not comfortable connecting a ~$400 item to my ~$60,000 boat with epoxy. Especially, when the warranty is still available, and Yamaha is weird about covering items which have been modified. Everything else has been able to be bolted on but this one needs epoxy, grinding, etc. I would have hoped a more finished product would have been released for the cost of it.

Additionally, as my boats 100% in the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal waters, I'm not positive the "new" features will assist me either way. But thanks for showing that a senior member of this board has to be sarcastic and insulting because someone decided against something.
I did not read it that he was being insulting. He was trying to help from my viewpoint.

I can tell you that Yamaha is not going to void your warranty unless a failure occurs on a part that is typically warrantied. In that case the warranty on that part would be void. We have a great reputation and dealers know that we sell quality stuff so they typically recommend us and speak well of our products. I don't recall any past experiences where Yamaha gave a dealer any grief due to a product that we've sold.

Hope this helps and we hope that the Thrust Vector Wakes work out for you.
Hey guys and gals, here is an install video that we shot this morning for the single engine Thrust Vector Wake. This should shed some light on a few changes that have been made in the past few days and may make your install easier as well. Enjoy!

Sorry but I heard from a very reliable source about true lock failures and Yamaha refusing to cover any damage from the failures if people had true lock s on their cleanout plugs when they failed. So perhaps I was misinformed, but I don't think so.
Sorry but I heard from a very reliable source about true lock failures and Yamaha refusing to cover any damage from the failures if people had true lock s on their cleanout plugs when they failed. So perhaps I was misinformed, but I don't think so.
pictures or it didnt happen