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JetBoatPilot's New Surf Tech, Thrust Vector Wake

Badmouthing competitors, especially in a thread about their product is not a good look. As a business owner I never trash my competition to a potential customer, it wouldn’t reflect well on me.

As a Owner that has started 4 companies and sold 3 of those...YOU NEVER trash your competition...it doesn't reflect well on yourself..in fact it makes you look weak and scared....whenever I heard a vendor do such things I thought to myself....the product can't stand on its own...so they need to inflate it with words….

What that has accomplished is I would NEVER order a product from him now...

Will on the other hand....his whole team..I have question, via this site, a call or an email, I have a reply within one day. His products do nothing but help our leisure boating experience for ourselves friends and families. I will gladly support and pay for a beta product coming to market, knowing that if we have issues with heavy steering, modified pieces...or in a years time if we are breaking pieces off...Will and his team will make it right.

Don't trash your competition....ever.... But what you have accomplished is to make sure I only support and use Will's products and more importantly all my Yamaha owning friends that ask me for boat advice,,they will be steared AWAY from said competitor now.
As a Owner that has started 4 companies and sold 3 of those...YOU NEVER trash your competition...it doesn't reflect well on yourself..in fact it makes you look weak and scared....whenever I heard a vendor do such things I thought to myself....the product can't stand on its own...so they need to inflate it with words….

What that has accomplished is I would NEVER order a product from him now...

Will on the other hand....his whole team..I have question, via this site, a call or an email, I have a reply within one day. His products do nothing but help our leisure boating experience for ourselves friends and families. I will gladly support and pay for a beta product coming to market, knowing that if we have issues with heavy steering, modified pieces...or in a years time if we are breaking pieces off...Will and his team will make it right.

Don't trash your competition....ever.... But what you have accomplished is to make sure I only support and use Will's products and more importantly all my Yamaha owning friends that ask me for boat advice,,they will be steared AWAY from said competitor now.
Thank you for your support. We are collecting data now on the customers who are having heavy steering and looking for a pattern. We should have a solution quickly.
I had sent April at your office an email about the heavy steering FYI
I also did notice a power steering affect that would center the steering after a hard turn left or right
For anyone else that "PRE ORDERED" during prototype phase, be reminded, you have been given the opportunity to save money by accepting the fact that little things may change before a final version is sold as a "final version"
That's a negative. You received a discount in exchange for committing capital and helping fund the intial development and manufacturing of this new product line. At no point should anyone be under the impression that they are receiving anything other than the 'final' product.


Incredible that a vendor developing steering components has such a deeply flawed understanding of how jet pumps actually work. Deflecting jetwash exiting the nozzle does not result in 'trimming' the boat, the entire nozzle would need to be tipped downward in order to adjust the vector. Why are you even in this thread anyway (again)?
I had sent April at your office an email about the heavy steering FYI
I also did notice a power steering affect that would center the steering after a hard turn left or right
We received your message and will be working on discovering how your results could be so different from our own. I'm sure it will be a quick answer but need to run A few tests Monday.
@JetBoatPilot Do you need me to formally email you in regards to stiffness in steering? Is it from the up stop bracket of fins touching the steering arm on right side of pump itself?

It appears that I have clearance to turn but the fin sits on the turning arm itself.
Sure, we're working on a solution now. Email so we have your name on the list. I'll be compiling a data sheet to begin looking for a pattern here.
Incredible that a vendor developing steering components has such a deeply flawed understanding of how jet pumps actually work. Deflecting jetwash exiting the nozzle does nyot result in 'trimming' the boat, the entire nozzle would need to be tipped downward in order to adjust the vector. Why are you even in this thread anyway (again)?

Isn’t that what happens every time you turn the steering wheel? How does the boat turn?
Isn’t that what happens every time you turn the steering wheel? How does the boat turn?

The whole nozzle turns, and that actually changes dynamics within the pump resulting in the boat changing heading. Remember that on plane your jets are out of the water, so squirting the water in a different direction doesn't actually have something to push off of. At slow speeds it works differently since the volume is much lower. This post has some more details and is a good read, lot of other good info on this type of topic in that thread as well.
I’m a newer member here but I have yet to see @JetBoatPilot talk about any product but their own. Props to Will for keeping it professional!
Yeah, you will not see it, @JetBoatPilot keeps it clean when it comes to marketing here.

The whole nozzle turns, and that actually changes dynamics within the pump resulting in the boat changing heading. Remember that on plane your jets are out of the water, so squirting the water in a different direction doesn't actually have something to push off of. At slow speeds it works differently since the volume is much lower. This post has some more details and is a good read, lot of other good info on this type of topic in that thread as well.
I’m driving now, in NM.

If you redirect the flow pointing the water stream/jet that comes out of the nozzles down at the stern - the stern goes up and the bow goes down.
It does not matter how you do this, if you are using a factory or aftermarket deflector.

As a Owner that has started 4 companies and sold 3 of those...YOU NEVER trash your competition...it doesn't reflect well on yourself..in fact it makes you look weak and scared....whenever I heard a vendor do such things I thought to myself....the product can't stand on its own...so they need to inflate it with words….

What that has accomplished is I would NEVER order a product from him now...

Will on the other hand....his whole team..I have question, via this site, a call or an email, I have a reply within one day. His products do nothing but help our leisure boating experience for ourselves friends and families. I will gladly support and pay for a beta product coming to market, knowing that if we have issues with heavy steering, modified pieces...or in a years time if we are breaking pieces off...Will and his team will make it right.

Don't trash your competition....ever.... But what you have accomplished is to make sure I only support and use Will's products and more importantly all my Yamaha owning friends that ask me for boat advice,,they will be steared AWAY from said competitor now.
I’m driving so I’m gping to be very brief.

I agree with you completely.

However, let’s consider that @JetBoatPilot carried our entire campaigns of misinformation about Cobra products... primarily directed the dealer networks, but all the same.

It is not like JBP is some goody-goody fin maker.

How do you feel about that?

Edit: I hate the way Jeff cobra chimes in here with negativity but it’s certainly not been one sided.

If I have something to say I say it. So you know where it came from and who you can ask about.
I doubted the poster had any real background and he just went on an attack half cocked, no surprise it seems like this happens around this time every year.
I guess I am just too analytical. In any event @swatski I appreciate that you reminded people of all the attacks against my steering systems from day one, starting with the jet boat feel or the they will rip your pump off to they are not swimmer friendly and will cut your feet off or harm marine mammals.
I especially liked the vibration in the throttle cables that the original thrust vectors caused and will said that it must be from people removing my steering and installing his . or the first video he put on his web site when he started selling steering and forgot to mention that the boats in the video doing all the maneuvers were using MY steering not his. Although the lack of quality control on the nozzles may prove to be another good one time will tell.
I was not ready to say anything yet I wanted to leave the hook in the water a little longer but whatever.
These examples by the way are just off the top of my head, I do have a huge file. And people send me info constantly I had one last week showing will gave himself a 5 star rating for customer service on google if I recall correctly.
Cool guess he is happy with his level of service.
As for what the poster is saying about badmouthing it must also apply to will so now who is he going to get steering from maybe the kids in Texas. Just for the record I did not see any ethos about being professionally trained, licensed or other proper qualifications to be a psychoanalyst or other professional in a related field. Just his own experience and deductions .
Now for the new people here please understand this has been the fin war since Will told me he was designing steering and Yamaha was going to want to license it , sort of like the lateral thrusters caper, !!! However I was just not interested since I had been making steering for years and I knew better.
Please do not try to tell me about my unique business how to put on a front it isn't going to happen.
I will go out of my way to help people if I can, I refuse to hire marketing companies to get sales by any means it is just not me. The more I sell the more work I have to do.
If you want steering for your boat and you want the best with the most options and best price then do your homework but don't come on here with a few months under your belt and a few posts and start libeling me or attacking my products, what you don't seem to understand is I started this steering thing for myself and then was asked to make some for Yamaha jet boats on the Yamahajetboaters.com web site many years ago.
I did and I still do. But I do it my way and I am not interested in seeing how many systems I sell I am interested in making boats steer and raising the level of boating enjoyment for jet boat owners That is my motivation it makes me smile when someone appreciates the difference and it breaks my heart when someone is not happy but you just can't make everyone happy so that is life. I earned my wings here and on other web sites as well so understand this, if my being honest with you bothers you please put me on your ignore list and you won't have to reading anything I post ever again. I can say I have quite a member list on mine and these two newbies are soon to join it. Now we can all go back to the regularly scheduled program.
You turn the whole nozzle
The whole nozzle turns, and blahblahblahblah
The nozzle is fixed and you turn the nozzle deflector to turn the boat, no?

If you were to add a ring in between the two to allow vertical movement of the nozzle deflector then you have a variable trim system (example below)... I don’t see how what @Cobra Jet Steering LLC was saying is wrong. If you deflect the “jet wash” with a TV-W down it’s like having a fixed trim system for better or worse.

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Yes I have those on both my Yamaha fx ho cruisers and I sure needed that today the water in the Gulf was very rough . The nozzle turns left and right the ring moves the nozzle angle up or down simple and has been used for eons but the end result is the water is changing it's angle and that is effecting the hull attitude on the water, and the controls allow you to operate it while you drive the boat or ski etc
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Seems like someone’s pissed they didn’t come up with the idea first...
I assume you know the history of both companies?
Drama, drama, drama. Reminds me of family road trips. “Dad she touched my side of the seat, well he looked at me first with a bad face!” I use steering products from both vendors cause they are well designed work great - I couldn’t give 2 F—ks about the drama between them anymore.
I knew this would come up at some point. This is a legendary divide between jet boaters. This won’t be the last comment on the subject and I hope it’s not because hell, a little drama can be fun to read every once and a while.

I’ve had both products, returned 1 and kept the other. Take it for what it’s worth, customer service is the same and Cobras are on my boat, fact.

With that said, let the innovation continue, one thing we can all agree on is these newbies that don’t realize the benefits of jet propulsion are missing out on what these boats really have to offer!

At the end of the day, I click on this site at least once a day to see what’s going on. We have a great group here! Let’s keep it up!

Now where’s my drink!?!
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For those that have installed the new Thrust Vector Wake system how many people are experiencing the heavy steering issue? I installed my system last Wednesday and have had the boat out twice, once on Friday and once Sunday. My first trip out the steering was so stiff that it took both hands to turn the steering wheel at speeds over 20 mph. Keep in mind it double check and triple checked everything before taking the boat to ensure everything was installed correctly and no issues with steering or the reverse gate. Due to the heavy steering I kept the outing fairly short as I was not able to make sharp turns while high speeds.

My first thought was it might be due to the additional thrust with the Lucky 13 cone and all spacers installed.

On my second trip out, I removed all the spacers on the Lucky 13 cone and ensure everything was functioning correctly with the TVW prior to going back out.

On my second trip out, I experienced the exact same issue and on the way in my reverse gate started to begin catching with the throttle. At this time I will be pulling the system off the boat until the issue can be resolved.

I'm just looking to find out what others experiences have been with the new system installed?
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