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JetBoatPilot's New Surf Tech, Thrust Vector Wake

More flow equals more force so theb195 could theoretically experience more heaviness. Weve been testing with a 2019 195 and our testing was great with some weight in the wheel but not enough to cause any concern in my mind.

The inboard deflectors are helpful for surfing and also cleaning up the wave for wakeboarding. For tubing they are not as critical.
More flow equals more force so theb195 could theoretically experience more heaviness. Weve been testing with a 2019 195 and our testing was great with some weight in the wheel but not enough to cause any concern in my mind.

The inboard deflectors are helpful for surfing and also cleaning up the wave for wakeboarding. For tubing they are not as critical.

Can the inboard portion of the deflector be bent straight for a temporary fix ?
More flow equals more force so theb195 could theoretically experience more heaviness. Weve been testing with a 2019 195 and our testing was great with some weight in the wheel but not enough to cause any concern in my mind.

The inboard deflectors are helpful for surfing and also cleaning up the wave for wakeboarding. For tubing they are not as critical.
That make perfect sense based on the information provided, if you have a 195 and running an aftermarket cone you will experience heavy steering. The Lucky 13 cone is twice as long if not more than the stock factory cone. I may swap out the cones to test my theory.
That make perfect sense based on the information provided, if you have a 195 and running an aftermarket cone you will experience heavy steering. The Lucky 13 cone is twice as long if not more than the stock factory cone. I may swap out the cones to test my theory.
I have a 2013 212SS. All factory. No special cones. I have significant 2 handed heavy steering with the TVW
I have a 2013 212SS. All factory. No special cones. I have significant 2 handed heavy steering with the TVW
I'm not very familiar with the 212ss but I thought those are supercharged as well correct with a 155mm nozzle?
I'm not very familiar with the 212ss but I thought those are supercharged as well correct with a 155mm nozzle?
No supercharged twin engines in a Yamaha except the new 27’
We have twin 1.8L high output Same as all 24’ boats
No supercharged twin engines in a Yamaha except the new 27’
We have twin 1.8L high output Same as all 24’ boats
We're testing a theory this afternoon that could address that for all boats experiencing the heaviness. Updates to come tonight and by week's end.
Can the inboard portion of the deflector be bent straight for a temporary fix ?
I don't think it can, at least with any accuracy. 11 gauge ss is hard to bend. We have a couple of prototypes coming in hopefully this week or early next week that will feature a slightly wider angle than the 90 degrees we're currently using. Hopefully today's test will confirm our theory.
Will....thanks for be "on top of this" as I know new product launches always have some hidden surprises. Besides the heaviness on the 19 footers, what other patterns are you seeing heavy steering in? Just curious as to what trends you're seeing.

I'm going to be putting mine on tomorrow and hitting the first lake of the season on Thursday and all weekend.

GOOD NEWS!! We've proven our theory about the inboard deflector. We removed about half of the length of the inboard deflector on our test boat and took it out for a test almost immediately after testing this morning with original Thrust Vector Wake parts. The good news is that the feel was significantly lighter. I would say at least 50% lighter or more. To offset some of the reduced deflection we added an overhand to the secondary deflector to maintain and improve the dry ride and clean wake.

We have taken our prototype off the boat and have mailed it to one of our early adopters who had informed us of the heaviness. He agreed to test and give us feedback. We're hoping to get that info by week's end or first of next week if he can't go until the weekend.

Here's a few pictures of our really quick prototype. First two are assembled test unit. Third is an image of the new logo plate with integrated secondary deflector overhang.



GOOD NEWS!! We've proven our theory about the inboard deflector. We removed about half of the length of the inboard deflector on our test boat and took it out for a test almost immediately after testing this morning with original Thrust Vector Wake parts. The good news is that the feel was significantly lighter. I would say at least 50% lighter or more. To offset some of the reduced deflection we added an overhand to the secondary deflector to maintain and improve the dry ride and clean wake.

We have taken our prototype off the boat and have mailed it to one of our early adopters who had informed us of the heaviness. He agreed to test and give us feedback. We're hoping to get that info by week's end or first of next week if he can't go until the weekend.

Here's a few pictures of our really quick prototype. First two are assembled test unit. Third is an image of the new logo plate with integrated secondary deflector overhang.

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Have to ask the question is the wave results the same? Next question is how do I get this now?
Have to ask the question is the wave results the same? Next question is how do I get this now?
So far the wave is even cleaner.
I took our 212x out for the first run tonight. Similar results in very heavy steering and I noticed the turning radius is not nearly as tight. My son surfed with a rope but at stock ballast and three people in the boat we could not get a very clean wave yet. I know there will be some fine tuning as time goes on but my main concerns are the heavy steering and radius. Hopefully what Will is working on will clean up these issues. I have some video I will try to post as well and hopefully get more input from everyone. I know we need more ballast on the deck but I think there is more that needs to be done.

I will say it ran great at top speed and did knock down the spray so I am pleased with that potion of it.
I took our 212x out for the first run tonight. Similar results in very heavy steering and I noticed the turning radius is not nearly as tight. My son surfed with a rope but at stock ballast and three people in the boat we could not get a very clean wave yet. I know there will be some fine tuning as time goes on but my main concerns are the heavy steering and radius. Hopefully what Will is working on will clean up these issues. I have some video I will try to post as well and hopefully get more input from everyone. I know we need more ballast on the deck but I think there is more that needs to be done.

I will say it ran great at top speed and did knock down the spray so I am pleased with that potion of it.
Not sure I've seen reports of diminished turn radius. The only way that could be possible is if the nozzles were not straightened on a surf Pointe equipped 2018 model or older model with nozzles turned inward to replicate surf pointe.

Has that been done to your boat?
As a PSA to anyone with the current TVW, they are not compatible with the Lucky 13 cone on a 19 footer.
As a PSA to anyone with the current TVW, they are not compatible with the Lucky 13 cone on a 19 footer.
Possibly compatible but may require backing off the deflection angle to compensate for the added pump pressure. We'll be revising our adjustment gauge to account for this scenario.
Not sure I've seen reports of diminished turn radius. The only way that could be possible is if the nozzles were not straightened on a surf Pointe equipped 2018 model or older model with nozzles turned inward to replicate surf pointe.

Has that been done to your boat?

Will, my boat is a 2015 212X so no surf point....the loss of turning radius may go hand in hand with the heavy steering we keep coming back to, I will say with the vectors I had on the boat previous to the TVW I could turn on a dime, now, not so much......for me that is a larger issue for smaller lakes we sometimes go on. My son agrees with that assessment after driving it, he takes the boat out more than I do....I do know we have to fine tune the upstop feature on the starboard side a touch, but this will not solve these two issues.