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JetBoatPilot's New Surf Tech, Thrust Vector Wake

Saw this on instagram yesterday.
We got 112 shipped yesterday and should be out for delivery on Friday for most of them. Some today. We are waiting on another batch of nozzle up stops tomorrow and some fins as well. That should get us back to shipping tomorrow for many more.

Sorry for the failure on our part to deliver all the orders as promised. I take personal responsibility for this delay. In my defense when we learned the benefits of the jet wash deflector (very late in the game) I made the call to ensure that all twin engine kits got that part. This delayed everything by about two weeks. For that I am sorry but I know that when you're surfing this pristine clean wake this summer you'll thank me for the extra work that went into it! To be honest the JetWash Deflector is remarkably simple and very effective. It truly takes the Thrust Vector Wake from good to GREAT!
Just got my shipping confirmation, but UPS it's going to take 8 days to deliver. Unfortunate since I'm leaving for a one week lake trip early in the morning of the anticipated delivery. Called and talked to Kim and she interrupted my order fulfillment and allowed me to pay for expedited shipping (not too much more). Can't think of another company with better service. Thank you Kim and Will.
Please let us know if the shipment gets to you on time! sorry for all the delays.
Doubt I would be surfing this weekend anyway


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I ordered 1/26...no shipping notice yet.
Thanks Will...I just spoke with Tabatha at the office. She said they are likely going out with the next order tomorrow.
OK sorry for the delay
So after reading ALL 31 pages, I still don't know if I want to pull the trigger on this... FML!!! lol
Just to be clear as I don't think that it was fully discussed, this combined with either the wedge or the Yamaha booster should produce a good, decent, mediocre, etc "surfable" wave right? I'm trying not to add ballast unless its absolutely necessary. I don't have to have the giant pretty Moomba wave, just something to get my fat ass up on. lol
So after reading ALL 31 pages, I still don't know if I want to pull the trigger on this... FML!!! lol
Just to be clear as I don't think that it was fully discussed, this combined with either the wedge or the Yamaha booster should produce a good, decent, mediocre, etc "surfable" wave right? I'm trying not to add ballast unless its absolutely necessary. I don't have to have the giant pretty Moomba wave, just something to get my fat ass up on. lol
You'd want to run one of the three mentioned. All require ballast to push a rider of any real size and weight. The Thrust Vector Wake does what the others do plus adds slow speed steering, dry ride for tubers, enhances the wakeboard wake (which the others do not) and does not require removal all day long (the others have to be taken off when you're ready to cruise.
Just a 5 hour drive to PCB to pick them up!
If I didnt already pay for accommodations in charleston/HH I would have made that drive. Have family in south ga and Tallahassee so could have made a weekend out of it and brought boat down.

What is 5hrs when I've just finished 4.5hr drive
If I didnt already pay for accommodations in charleston/HH I would have made that drive. Have family in south ga and Tallahassee so could have made a weekend out of it and brought boat down.

What is 5hrs when I've just finished 4.5hr drive
For real, I just drove 7.5 hours north, crashed for 6 hours and drove 7.5 hours south then busted out 112 orders before going home half dead!!! lol
So after reading ALL 31 pages, I still don't know if I want to pull the trigger on this... FML!!! lol
Just to be clear as I don't think that it was fully discussed, this combined with either the wedge or the Yamaha booster should produce a good, decent, mediocre, etc "surfable" wave right? I'm trying not to add ballast unless its absolutely necessary. I don't have to have the giant pretty Moomba wave, just something to get my fat ass up on. lol

I'm in the same situtation. I already have the Jet Pilot Thrust Vector fins, I would only want the thrust downward change. Our little guys are 8 and 9 and need to wear goggles behind the boat. No bueno.

@JetBoatPilot If we order now will the new guys still get new ladder "wave shaper" attachment?
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Gonna have to wait till next week to install mine. They are delivering tomorrow but we are leaving for the lake tonight for the weekend and won't be back home till Tues. Can't wait to see the videos and hear how everyone likes them. If I ordered them along with reverse thrusters did it all ship together?
I'm hoping to have them installed by june 15th, but I didn't order until april 2nd
Gonna have to wait till next week to install mine. They are delivering tomorrow but we are leaving for the lake tonight for the weekend and won't be back home till Tues. Can't wait to see the videos and hear how everyone likes them. If I ordered them along with reverse thrusters did it all ship together?
I believe so.
I'm in the same situtation. I already have the Jet Pilot Thrust Vector fins, I would only want the thrust downward change. Our little guys are 8 and 9 and need to wear goggles behind the boat. No bueno.

@JetBoatPilot If we order now will the new guys still get new ladder "wave shaper" attachment?
Yes and keep in mind the new retail with the JetWash Deflector is $849 after the pre sale expires May 31. Right now it's still $749.
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Doubt I would be surfing this weekend anyway

That is crazy, we were up at the Grand Canyon last weekend and in Flagstaff....couldn't believe how cool it was an all that for May in AZ....looks like Flag got more snow yesterday.