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Le Tube Failure


Jetboaters Lieutenant
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Walled Lake, MI
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What’s wrong with this picture?

Aside from keeping an eye on eBay any ideas on how to get a new tube cover?
I already contacted O’Brien and they said they don’t sell it by itself.

How old is the tube? Did it happen when there was slack in the line?
That's too bad

Do you own a sewing machine? a good ol' patch may get you going...
No slack. I was starting to kick it up a notch but nothing too crazy. It’s at least 10 years old. Could be closer to 15.
Sounds like it’s useful life is over. Check out Costco.com or sams club, sometimes you can order one cheap $60 , $200 for a three seater with a rope and pump.
By any chance did you buy it from Costco? They have a great return policy. The only thing they care about is that you bought it from them. You don't even need the receipt.
I didn’t buy it. I was included with my first boat. That’s why I’m not sure of the age. The tube itself is in great shape. I never need to put air in it. That’s why it would be nice to salvage it. I’ll keep an eye on eBay. Surely somebody has damaged their tube and has a cover left over.
Craigslist is a great place to pick up boat toys. Costco typically has great stuff, but it’s end of season now. If you can find it there still, it’ll be marked down. My friend scored a really nice beach tent last weekend for only $20.
Yeah....at 10-15 years old it sounds like the fabric has probably gotten dry rot and is toast. Repairing it wouldn't be an option.

Look at it this way....now you have an excuse to go shopping for a new one.....

If there is one thing this site is GREAT for, its helping/encouraging/goading other members to spend their money!!!! LOL
You could always buy a new one and sell the tube on eBay or craigslist to someone who damaged their tube but still has a cover