My AR240 has more mods than I'd care to
The Lectrotabs are my number ONE favorite mod, hands down.
I use them all the time. MCL1 controller. They are simply amazing and if you are in a bigger body of water, or in the ocean, I would consider those to be a
must have. Here in NJ we can run 20+mph in the usual 1-2' sea with (almost) no pounding. It makes such a profound difference it's not even funny.
This video shows us running last weekend with the tabs fully deployed, with the tabs retracted I could not hold the camera and I would have to slow down to hull speeds to make Kate (wife) comfortable. She would not be boating with me if it was not for those tabs. No joke.
The close second favorite mod for those trips is
@Ridesteady, basically a fly-by-wire conversion of sorts.
Cobra EZ Locks are a must for boats with plugs w/dogs. Saved my butt this year for the first time, but that's for another thread!