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    free hit counter

New PerfectPass product??

You're right about that, though we've had comments that our system is default on the aggressive side to maintain the set speed (which can easily be "tuned down" by lowering the "Response" setting).

That said, the set speed will be the "center speed". So, if you wanted 10.2 MPH (+ or - the fluctuation), that would only be achievable with a system that allows 0.1 MPH set speed increments. I've been told that that can make a difference in the wave when surfing, FWIW.
Somehow I find this amusing. Having just gone pulling tubes to pulling the Zup board I'm finding maintaining speed a real pain in the arse. I've finally mastered the ability to keep it at 15mph +/- 5mph. Would be awesome to be able to maintain a set speed even at a +- 1mph level.
Somebody proposed a RS group buy earlier. Please consider it. Or a good Black Friday deal or something.
Am I the only one who thinks the buttons sound appealing?! I had RS and liked the knob, but I also like buttons, especially for speed adjustments. The knob is probably better for navigating. Touch screen would be the ultimate.
Not quite the same but the buttons on the stock Yamaha display drive me crazy. To check depth, temp or fuel gauge I have to keep jabbing the button to rotate through the various info. Then I pass the one I want and have to press it an extra 5 or 6 times to get back.
RS is great. The knob works very well. Easy to adjust even .01 on the move. Could not imagine using push buttons. Could not surf without it. Makes wakeboarding better too. Really great for less experienced drivers. They can just drive and don’t have to worry about the speed. Installation is easy. Recommend you watch the install video. Expensive but worth it.
It's quite rare to see this happen and have it publicly posted, so I applaud both companies for doing what's right and moving on.
Yup, saw people takin sides. Thought we was bout to have us another civil war. Glad it's over before it begun.