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Bargains Raymarine Dragonfly Pro Rebates $100 on 5 Pro, $150 on 7 Pro

I have it. Like it but haven't gotten to use it to its fullest potential.

You can use Navionics App(free for 2 weeks but $50 if you want to purchase) and import your track/markers via Plotter Sync(only supported by the 7)
You can also read the sonar view on the phone and capture it if you want to.
I have been wanting to do the AUTOROUTING(dock to dock) but it only placed waypoints so i am still investigating on how to draw a route on the plotter.

The sonar wire is bit on the short end, but you can purchase an extension.
My Dragonfly 6 has served my family well for 3 summers including 3 Bimini trips. If I were buying today I would buy a Simrad GO for the touchscreen and vastly improved apps.
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