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Finally hit the river today.
It was late but I managed to make it out there, it was beautiful. Love my river.
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I also tended to my "need for speed" call which was getting pretty bad, like hearing voices and such...
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So, I'm good now.

So the Dr. has diagnosed the ailment as "Cabin Fever". And the only medicine prescribed is a WOT run in the Yamaha. Now that is my kind of medicine, no bitter pills to swallow. Do you make house/lake calls?:winkingthumbsup" Oh nevermind BCBS won't cover the trip charge and the deductible is too high anyway.
So the Dr. has diagnosed the ailment as "Cabin Fever". And the only medicine prescribed is a WOT run in the Yamaha. Now that is my kind of medicine, no bitter pills to swallow. Do you make house/lake calls?:winkingthumbsup" Oh nevermind BCBS won't cover the trip charge and the deductible is too high anyway.

If you are delayed getting on the boat, you could always try more cowbell.
If you are delayed getting on the boat, you could always try more cowbell.
Funny, took me a minute...ya, I have cows and bells soooo?
I just saw a fedex package on my front porch that had this in it. Now I must find time to install it.


which is better than looking at this,
noticed my A/C condenser fan wasn't moving yesterday, it started when I pushed it with a screwdriver, replaced the capacitor and it fired yet up, problem solved!

until I returned home 4 hours later to discover fan not turning again, this time motor is hot and blades won't turn,

bought a new motor today and of course it needed a different capacitor and it's raining outside, hopefully it will clear up by the time I get home
Kids pinewood derby car ready to launch tonight! Dad may have helped a little...
We were going for a lambo... close enough!lamborghini-aventador-baby-blue-1.jpg
Kids pinewood derby car ready to launch tonight! Dad may have helped a little...
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We were going for a lambo... close enough!View attachment 72937
Won 2 out of 3 heats and came in 11th overall out of 30... I guess the other dads watched the same YouTube videos I did, lol! :( at least it looked good doing it! :cool:
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which is better than looking at this,
noticed my A/C condenser fan wasn't moving yesterday, it started when I pushed it with a screwdriver, replaced the capacitor and it fired yet up, problem solved!

until I returned home 4 hours later to discover fan not turning again, this time motor is hot and blades won't turn,

bought a new motor today and of course it needed a different capacitor and it's raining outside, hopefully it will clear up by the time I get home

Had mine blow a capacitor in August. During a heat-wave. On a Sunday. With a VERY pregnant wife.

As one of the old guys at work said "The Princess was not amused."

You should have seen the mad scramble I performed to get up and running. Actually considered "borrowing" one from a neighbor that was on vacation. Luckily I didn't actually try it, but you think of some crazy stuff when you are desperate.

I tried the electric shop at work with the intent of borrowing one from there. There was one in stock. Only one. And it was a critical spare. Nope. Can't do that. That's a "Career Limiting Move."

Out of desperation I called a buddy of mine. Unbeknownst to me, he used to do A/C repair and had some parts laying around. He loaned me one that was close enough to get me going until a replacement could be purchased.

The Wife later baked him a coconut cream pie - that I had to deliver. I argued that I should have received the same thing since I was the one doing all the running and all the work. This argument was apparently invalidated by the fact that I was the root-cause of the pregnancy.
Oh right...she had nothing to do with it?
Washington state sunrise on way to daughters high school tennis match20180427_055448.jpg
My supplier is soooo screwed...
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Two incidents on this job in a week. We keep telling them they need a moffit they keep bringing a boom truck. Two different drivers. Two different ramps, one big bill.
I just saw the incident report, he says it's my fault because i wanted the block in where the other 4 loads went inside!
Good luck buddy! Lol
Be careful laying the floor, you may end up with a huge wood splinter in your arse cheek that requires a trip to Med Express, tetanus shot and a round of antibiotics. So i hear.

I’m worried this may have happened to you lol.
I’m worried this may have happened to you lol.

It did, lol. The damn thing was so big that after he removed it the doctor asked if could show it to the other doctors, I felt like Tim the toolman Taylor. It wasn't just barely under the skin like a normal splinter that thing went in perpendicular, I got impelled.