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My wife, Kate, took this "artistic" picture during our afternoon river-ride today.
She thinks it looks great in black and white.
Me think everything looks F@$%^& GREAT, make it black and white, full color, or pink iridescence - when I'm BOATING UP THE RIVER :D

Anyhow. Oh, just what a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l day it was!!!

I saw a bunch of Corvettes on my road trip between Ncal and Scal.

1962 C1 (generation 1).
Two C6s, the red one produces 3,000 hp.
Of course the best of all, a C5 50th anniversary convertible, there are many like it but this one is special because this one is mine.
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20180428_181245.jpg national electric linemans rodeo... Teams from california and Guatemala traveled to north carolina to compete for one day competition..
No time for others' bs in the morning. Willow and I, volunteered a day of work, prepping the school boats at The International Sailing School in Malletts Bay. Brought along some of my tools to use, 1 of my chainsaws to remove bushes and trees and my polishing/waxing tools to clean up the hulls of some of these boats, that are frequently, "rode hard and put away wet". Nice day for that kind of work, temps in the 60s.
The fleet consists of Solings, S2's, a Hunter, a C&C 30 mk1 amongst others. This Whaler/tender was filthy, as few boats had winter covers. About 30 people showed up to help, achieved a lot quickly.
Yesterday was another big milestone: Katie's last Dance Recital. She's been doing this since she was 5 years old (started classes at 4). She met her best friend Jenna there - they've been dancing together the whole time.

Here there are doing their Senior Dance (choreographed by the girls, Katie is on the left):


The dance ended with this:

Followed immediately by a HUGE hug:

It's so strange. At that exact moment my allergies kicked in to high gear and my eyes started watering and my nose started running REALLY bad.

I really need to remember to take my Claritin during allergy season. In fact, I think I better go take some now...


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Nobody tell @Julian that lots of those "crawfish" are actually corn and potatoes!
New generation of river boaters in training, lol

Urban boating. One of my favorite kind of boating.




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Haven’t seen one of these pop in a while!