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Something was cooking for sure, but my fire extinguisher on hand was missing the hose (another +1 for me!) so I wasn't pulling the engine cover off to give it more fuel. Turns out, near as I can tell, the starter was just stuck engaged and turned itself into an unregulated alternator.
F@#$. That's scary. That's your FSH, right?
Can you pleeeeeease post more - if and when you figure this out - is there a loose connection or something?
I remember @1948Isaac had his starter rip - on en route to Exumas! Not good.

Yeah, gave into the lakelife gods and got a pontoon. That's a yammy F115
Well, it's rated to hold me and 16 other topless/scantily clad women. In the interest of proving USCG ratings, I decided that I should take one for the team and find out.
I'm waiting on you to provide the womenz, sir.
Something was cooking for sure, but my fire extinguisher on hand was missing the hose (another +1 for me!) so I wasn't pulling the engine cover off to give it more fuel. Turns out, near as I can tell, the starter was just stuck engaged and turned itself into an unregulated alternator.

I read this to Brittany @veedubtek and she said “I bet Capt Morgan spilled the oil again”. Took me a minute but then I remembered that glorious troll back to Treasure Cay beach hahaha. Good times...
Well, it's rated to hold me and 16 other topless/scantily clad women. In the interest of proving USCG ratings, I decided that I should take one for the team and find out.
Better fix that darned starter, we need to see that!

Happy B-Day to me!
And yes, I did share the bounty.

Squid reunion down at Isle of Palms. My liver hates me.......
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My view of San Diego Bay, from the top floor of the hotel. Sometimes I love business travel.
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One of the cooler cars I saw at the auto museum in San Diego. I saw it once on tv, probably ripley’s believe it or not back on the day. Basically it is a heavily modified car that can be refueled (from its custom trailer which also contained a phone booth) and maintained without stopping. Even the tires could be changed while the car is still moving. It also has some rv like features, such as a shower, toilet, etc. my wife cringed wen she read the toilet doubles as a clothes washing machine.

Edit: here is a link to a YouTube video about the car and it’s builder, a little long so I have not watched the whole thing but the builder is/was a mod freak/modaholic. If he was still alive today I’m sure he would have fit right into this forum.



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Out on the water yesterday for some salt water therapy. This is at Crab Island (Destin). Man I love this boat.

New office means new desk.......Not nearly as cool as some of these other pictures though!

We went to my friend's car business's 30th anniversary party today. Bigfoot was there and we a won a Traxxas RC Bigfoot. I just charged this thing up and holy hell I had no idea what I was getting into. That thing is ridiculously fast!

@John McLaughlin, you just gave me my 1,000th like. Thanks! I really didn't know I was anywhere close to that. It just reminds me of how much time I spend on here and how much I really enjoy this whole community.
