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When it comes to life vest each state has there own requirements as to when children must wear them. [flag]
And in my house, they have even stricter rules!
Ever seen a kid jump off a dock on a river trying to get the fish and then realize he can't get out? yup... jackets on even at the dock. I'm such a mean dad.
Ever seen a kid jump off a dock on a river trying to get the fish and then realize he can't get out? yup... jackets on even at the dock. I'm such a mean dad.

Not a mean Dad a very caring Dad.
Just to reinforce why children should always wear life jacket around the docks and piers. Our son who is now 44 yrs old may very well owe his life to wearing a life jacket. He was three or four at the time when we were at the dock on the Mississippi River. He was told not to bend over the dock but when do they listen. My wife turnt her back and before you know it he had bent over the dock and fell in. As the saying goes "it happen in a blink of an eye". Fortunately he popped right back up and was pulled to safety.
So yes I strongly recommend life jackets at the dock and any other piers for young children[flag]
Just to reinforce why children should always wear life jacket around the docks and piers.
x10 on this.

My kids usually put their live vests on before we even get in the car, it's become second nature for them.
When on lake vacations, they practically live inside those life vests, lol.
(BTW - my kids are competitive swimmers, practice 5-7 times a week during school year plus swim camps; that's not a factor though)

@Ronnie that is a good table to know well. If you haven't had a coast guard safety inspection I strongly recommend it. Many ramps have them available in the summer for free, and they will help drill these requirements into you.

Strongly recommend anyone going to Bimini to get this done!
@ Julian, I agree and knew all of the min reqs. For my boat and pwcs. I also volunteer to be inspected if the coast guard aux is at the ramp when I am, not just for the peace of mind but also for the passed inspection sticker which seems to help the water patrol pass me by on enforcement days.
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Garage boating with a TrimTab brew I haven't tried before and it's very good! I've tried several of their other brews and this Bankston 88 is near the top.

Sitting on the couch on the dock with my daughter enjoying a cold brew.
Brought a couple of our sails to a sail maker yesterday to get a professional opinion.https://vtsailing.com/. Brought in the racing Genoa that had previous repairs. He said "tape it up, use it this year and think about replacing it next year. The Dutchman main was in good condition and only needed a couple of "grommets" and some mono filament to restore its self flaking capabilities. One of his co-workers decided he wanted to pose on the Dutchman main for this pic. No he is not taking a dump.
Here in Illinois we have high taxes, bad winters and our governors get thrown in prison. But we do have the richest black dirt in the world. It is easy to grow things here.
Nope, on a reservoir! Lol! But that just doesn't have the same ring to it though. We're on the Texas/Oklahoma border on the the Red River that is damed up to create Lake Texoma. 89,000 surface acres.
Welcome to Willow Hill Farm. This is what I saw last night turning off the main road. A lot of green, the white stuff gone, the cows enjoying grass, not eating dry hay. The blueberry field, right side of pic. at the treeline, breaking bud. The House, not visible, 4300' away on top of hill on left. I love this time of year, except for the black flies. Time to put the Yamaha on her slip for the summer.
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Napa Valley Wine Train, Gourmet Express Luncheon. Simply AWESOME!
If you can, GO !
Especially if it’s a special occasion with your partner.


18th Wedding Anniversary.
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I have seen a lot of great photos on this page however never one where our nails were done. So for all you grandfathers out there make sure you spend a day at the manicurist and have your nails done. My four year old Granddaughter decided to do mine and of course I had to do hers.[flag]


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Making a run to the dam to burn off some ethanol fuel in order to fill up with no ethanol fuel. Having a vaporlock issue and we're thinking it's ethanol related. We have friends with different kinds of boats with the same issues so we're working through it together. Great day, just an expensive fuel dock stop. I think we covered about 35 miles total.