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Show us what you see!!!

@PEARCE Man that is a big fore deck. If that change of fuel does not work, "Get You Some of This". Works great and I am sure you know of it.
This is what I saw last night after evening chores, feeding the horses. People would joke about Snipe and hunting Snipe as if it did not exist. This topic even made it to an episode of the "Cheers" sitcom...Well proof is in the picture, they do exist.
This is what I saw in my headlights, they are every where on the farm, but only seen at dusk.
This is officially know as a Woodcock. Snipe, it's cousin are a little smaller.
Apologies for the pics. Taken thru a dirty windshield. Here is a daytime photo...try to find it.
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Thanks @zipper yes I am familiar with it. I did put some Startron Enzyme fuel treatment that is for ethanol fuel in both tanks. I've used it for many years in our Yamaha without ever an issue. I'm hopeful now with pure gas in the system I don't more issues next weekend.
Traded in his Yamaha?
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Pontoon boat manufacturers are really phoning it in these days...
Just got home from an amazing APC concert! MJK is the man

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I’ve been seeing this (big purple vehicle in the first pic) a lot lately at work. Cheaper gas pumped into vehicles while parked with their owners at work.
I haven’t signed up yet, prices are comparable to Costco. Maybe if I bring my boat or pwcs in so I can go directly to the water after work but those days don’t happen much so maybe not.

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Irony defined, it’s hard to see but to the left of the text in the following pic is an American flag.
Dolphin swim right up to the boat as we were anchored today off of South side of Cayo CostaBDB79ECD-4195-4776-8C0F-42E424B54E83.jpeg55A6785D-2D89-4122-A186-1AE02173D361.jpeg
Looking for a new Bimini frame for the Bene this morning and saw this. Somebody should change the caption, definitely not a Mastercraft.
EA596B06-529D-4D74-B8B0-B47333F7D8CF.jpeg Picked up 4 calling ducks from a local guy who rescues animals to add to our funny farm.
Kids already love them.
Greetings from the beautiful Bull Shoals Lake
The Swatski Girls have arrived (for MDW)!

Yeah, I know, life vests... on the floor. What can I say... I failed.
After 5hours on the road I just could not contain those three.

New boat installed on my stereo system. Mermaid came along for the ride of her life.....

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Saw this old post in WW and just had to share lol
Meh - that boat just screams cheap. I love the tow mirror - whats he going to see? His giant Mercury 200 up in flames?
Probably doesn't need that Mercury.
Looks like it moves by sonic propulsion.