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Got a new to me tow vehicle, 2wd Navigator with auto air leveling system.
Love the Nav so far but it looks like i need to buy a new tongue / draw bar with a longer drop.
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I would bet many of us in MN would not have even known a 2WD version of that vehicle even existed. I keep forgetting that in many states, 4WD is an option. Up here, 2WD is an order in option on most Pickups and SUV's
WOW, "real sheep cheese". Not many are familiar with sheep cheeses. We milked and made both raw and pasturized cheese from sheep and cows milk for 20 years, before all the work finally got to us. Most think sheep and goats are the same animal and cheese is either from cows or goats. We most likely did not make your "favorite", but "real sheep cheese" is "real" Feta, Roquefort blue cheese, Pecorino Romano, Manchego , sheep milk yogurt etc. Pecorino means little sheep. My cheese maker, Willow, has been recognized for her products with gold medals at the World Cheese Awards in England and the ACS here. Wish I had some to gift you.I'm visiting my alma mater, University of Wroclaw (AKA Vratislavia) in Poland...
real sheep cheese
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