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Being a tourist in NYC

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Two ladies and a boat bum. :)
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Went out on the little lake after work and after a visitation/wake with the kids. Was going to do ice cream but they told me they hadn't had dinner. So off to the grill but they got mickey mouse pancakes.
Seen a big block jet boat making some runs as well.
Cloudy day and no time for swimming but water was showing 75-77.
Wife and a friend showed up with her kid so we made a couple more rounds.
Backing and trailering at night is NOT my strong suit but went fine.
Changing spark plugs tonight
So easy my 16 yr old daughter did it!

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Did you video the change? We need a quick video to show guys how easy it is to do. (But slender, flexible 16 year olds might make it look too easy.)
Brought the Beneteau up the lake today. Backed her in to her slip for the summer. Motored her up. Can't wait to get the new sails on.
Cozumel MX, dive trip with daughter. Tomorrow I drop her off at a marine mammal veterinary internship in Playa del Carmen.9F293C7CCBC17A62576DF2170879A83C.jpg FB9D1E798831E73019DE6301AA5C288F.jpg 9060A7B15D8BF5BCD8987D152268297D.jpg D3B653B56250538884BA3228DBB5AA44.jpg BC29E03C33BE748900D0A822BAF14B94.jpg FHD0052.JPG FHD0056.JPG
Waiting this afternoon at BTV, Burlington Int'l Airport for the arrival of our new puppy, from Minnesota. Maia needed a friend and playmate. The flight arrived 3 hrs. late.
He is settling in with the 3 of us nicely.

We will have him boat trained in no time. He too is a Belgian Shepherd, "Gronandael", Maia is Tervuren.
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Happy Father's Day everyone!

My kids just know me too well, what can I say...

At Stone Mountain Park in Atlanta, GA for vacation. Waiting on the fireworks and laser show to start.
This is fantastic!

Spent the day baking on the tarmac at the Warriors Over the Wasatch Airshow. AMAZING suff! THANKS for your service and God bless America!


F-35 Lightning II

F-22 Raptor
I see my boat going by as my daughter is wakeboarding behind it. :winkingthumbsup"

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Spotted this in the parking lot of Gulf Dunes on Okaloosa Island. Virginia tags. Happen to be a Forum Member?

My Son’s latest Father’s Day gift to me. I think it’s the best one yet. He is very proud that he paid for it with his own money, money he didn’t get from his parents.

I was looking for a new to us place that my wife and I could jet ski at this weekend and found Lake Pardee. I’m glad I read to the end of the write up (see the last section,s title) or I would have been pissed when I got there after a 2 to 3 hour drive.