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Bull Shoals Lake, AR.
Utilizing every last bit of daylight, before returning home.

Busy day on the lake today and the whole weekend. Temps approaching 100°F tomorrow. Live webcam of the marina where we slip the Beneteau. Click on the link then hit cancel when prompted to download and the live footage appears.
Bene out on breakwater dock, just right of center, red sail cover. Yamaha at other marina on the right of screen, not in view. Be there later for dinner, cold drinks and sunset.
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Neighborhood fireworks!

20180630_215926.jpg A little Chicken Fried with ZB Band at SunTrust Stadium. Scored a nice table .
Check out this shirt my brother got me!



Freakin’ awesome!

He texted a pic of the boat to an airbrush guy in a Branson Craft Mall and surprised me with the shirt the next day.

He had one made for himself with his ‘15 Challenger Hellcat.

Edit: to add a pic of the boat for comparison.
Finally no more 2013 Nissan Altima!!!! That was our first and last Nissan we will ever buy. Wife wanted to go back to Honda and she was looking at the little HRV but I told her it was too small and is basically a civic. So I talked her into looking at the CRV instead and she fell in love with it so much she bought the Touring model. Only option it doesn't have is AWD which I really wanted her to get but they didn't have it in her color she wanted. I drove it last night and that little 1.5 L turbo runs pretty good! LED headlights shined nicely too and it has auto hi/low beams. Tons of tech and features to keep her happy and safe for many years. Makes my 2010 F150 feel like an ancient relic by comparison lol. The good news for me is she splurged more on this SUV than she intended to do I told her I get to do the same for my next Wake boat :D.

This CRV has come a lonnnnng ways from the CRV's I remember. Really nice little SUV!

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While waiting to recover my boat I saw this on the trailer in front of me. This is the first time I’ve seen a spare mounted under a bunk . I thinks it’s a much better solution than mounting it under the bow as my bow mount sometimes bottoms out at the top of some ramps.

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While waiting to recover my boat I saw this on the trailer in front of me. This is the first time I’ve seen a spare mounted under a bunk . I thinks it’s a much better solution than mounting it under the bow as my bow mount sometimes bottoms out at the top of some ramps.

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Maybe I'm missing it from the picture, but how in the heck do you get to it if the boat is on the trailer?
It looks like it drops through the bottom out the right hand side of the trailer, I assume there is a bar on a hinge or rod that locks into place under the spare somehow.

For context I had just spend a large part of the day on a jet ski in 100 degree whether and saw this as I was enjoying the air cooled seat and ac of my new tow vehicle, so I wasn’t about to get out of my tow vehicle to take a closer look but now I wish I would have.
Three Baby Robins, very hungry all the time.

The problem - how do you keep them from my three (very curious) PON Sheepdogs...
My girls are doing a pretty good job so far, I hope they don't slip.

I raised three baby humans that were hungry all the time, too.
I know what the mother robin is going through. Our 14 year old Grandson is staying with us for the summer. He has a hollow and I mean hollow leg. :)[flag]

Couples Negril
I was looking for a new to us place that my wife and I could jet ski at this weekend and found Lake Pardee. I’m glad I read to the end of the write up (see the last section,s title) or I would have been pissed when I got there after a 2 to 3 hour drive.
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Try New Melones Lake tons of room to jet around.