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Um y'all this float kind of resembles a female product. Hope nobody wears a red bathing suit on it :D

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Saw this on the MB owners FB group! 10/10 dismount landing!! :eek:

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I don't know but someone should have told the driver of the black truck that the trailer was not designed for it but more importantly the boat looks ok. If I was the owner of the white truck I would keep to driving to the ramp back it up into the water hit the brakes hard and hope it slides right in. Then I would go boating and let the insurance company take care of the paperwork.[flag]
I saw this hat with a solar powered fan the other day, I plan to buy the model that includes a rechargeable battery.

A little follow up on this. I could not find a version with a rechargeable battery so the model pictured turns off whenever it is out of the sun. It’s also $51 plus shipping. For that cost, the fact that it only works in the sun and that I rarely where hats as it is, i am leaning towards not purchasing it.


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My son running in the steeple chase event at the Jr. Olympic trials in Fresno, CA.

The next project I will be working on has been delayed because the ground water is so high they can't build the pad. They are pumping 3.4 million gallons of crystal clear water every day and still can't get ahead of it.
And this project I will probably do after that. Here they are breaking up bedrock to get the basement deep enough.
Another day at the JR. Olympic Trials, just hotter.

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Grass is cut and time to relax in the mood lighting while catching up on the Bimini adventures. It's hot as hell in my garage so just need to drink enough beers to think I'm really there :D

if you walk to the top from the right side (per your pic) there is a phone poll in the middle of the trail ...that is covered in...gum..its beautiful to say the least.
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Oh that explains why I didn't see it. We road the sky tram up and back down twice since none of us had the desire to hike it either direction.
On the way home from the weekend yesterday and got stuck in uncommon Sunday traffic due a grass fire along the freeway. 20 minute delay on a 3 hour drive. All I can say is that I’m glad it was not on my side of the freeway, if it was the delay could have been in hours instead of minutes. This was a minor compared to other fires in CA right now so it didn’t even make the news last night or this morning.

Edit: I got lucky by about 30 minutes as they closed my side of the freeway for 3 hours just 30 minutes after I drove through the area. The fire must have just started since I didn’t see any first responders on scene when I drove by.
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@Julian dock envy is not as painful as the boat-mod and maintenance sophistication envy you unknowing and frequently inflict on me.
@Julian dock envy is not as painful as the boat-mod and maintenance sophistication envy you unknowing and frequently inflict on me.
I don't know.....a new dock would require a new house where you could put a new dock.....and docks on their own are very expensive (I own one at my MILs cabin in Sioux Narrows for what good it does me!!)....so as long as I am capable of resisting this...you lose.... LOL

Mods on the other hand....can be a finger twitch away on Amazon.com from becoming a bad habit! LOL
I don't know.....a new dock would require a new house where you could put a new dock.....and docks on their own are very expensive (I own one at my MILs cabin in Sioux Narrows for what good it does me!!)....so as long as I am capable of resisting this...you lose.... LOL

Mods on the other hand....can be a finger twitch away on Amazon.com from becoming a bad habit! LOL

Sioux NArrows........Ontario !?!?!?!!?
Sioux NArrows........Ontario !?!?!?!!?

Yup....we used to go up there for 2 weeks every summer....fantastic fishing! MIL's dock was falling apart so I bought and had installed a whole new U shaped dock (that I've not seen in 9 years and probably needs sealing...but probably hasn't been....so it will go the way of the old dock...grrrr)