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Underneath all those parts is a chassis that hasn't seen the road in a year and a half. And if I used a half decent camera, you'd see it's *almost* complete again.


In front of that is 2 jet ski drive-on lifts that I still haven't installed. And, in front of that is a POS sx230 that needs a metric shit-ton worth of work (long story incoming). For now, I've decided to shift focus back to my Thing and get her back on the road.
Underneath all those parts is a chassis that hasn't seen the road in a year and a half. And if I used a half decent camera, you'd see it's *almost* complete again.

View attachment 79306

In front of that is 2 jet ski drive-on lifts that I still haven't installed. And, in front of that is a POS sx230 that needs a metric shit-ton worth of work (long story incoming). For now, I've decided to shift focus back to my Thing and get her back on the road.
I see that your 230 came with the top secret test pumps stolen out of the Yamaha testing grounds!
Out working on and having dinner on the Bene. last night and this 39' Lagoon pulled up at our stern. That is a big WIDE nice catamaran.
It even has a flying bridge.
This was from a morning cruise on Norris Lake. 30 miles at 32MPH. It was amazing!

Trying to lower my project car a bit more, any ideas? :Confused:

Trying to enjoy a 110 degree day on the Sea Ray. Not much wind or boat traffic. Water temp is about 87 degrees. Yeah, it's a hot day in Texas! Record breaking heat wave all week.
Wow, Looks low enough to me;)...I have not seen air suspension on a Thing before. In the old days my dad would make his own tortion bars and camber limiting plates for the rear. But we still had 6" of clearance under the pan. Jack it up and tires would drop 1/2". Nice job!
Watched some surfing at the MN Wake Surf Championship on Lake Minnetonka today. Kind of a fun event. Just amazing to watch the Wake for Warriors crew, so much respect for what they can do on a board!

They brought some sweet rides with them too.
Some shots from the GoPro. We had fun playing in the 6' waves at Playa Blanca in Costa Rica yesterday.

Cami wave.jpg GOPR1393-1.jpg GOPR1410.JPG
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D35736F5-FBBC-483F-8322-0ECEE7DA111D.jpeg Took the boat up the Willamette to downtown Portland for some ice cream. Then anchored in the Ross Island for a picnic dinner “Jimmy John’s” and swimming. Then my 4 year old daughter tubed all the way back to the boat launch.
Shelbyville Lake, IL, special?
Fishing charter pontoons with porta-potty-ies, lol


Long overdue!

Courtesy of YamahaPubs.com

Had one for my old 190, same engines and pumps, but many changes and specs. Worth a $100!

Kate just rolled her eyes: "So, now you can work on this boat..."

Changed the old faded red sail cover to a new Captain Navy Blue cover tonight and then saw this small rainbow.
Busy weekend in the PYO Blueberry patch. Great crop this year.
These friends"perennial customers" picked 41#'s in 1.5hrs.
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Saw this drone crash on the way to the Yamaha yesterday. Resting on the live wire. Somebody was having a bad day,
Not me, we are going to the beach.
On the way out I took this pic. of the Beneteau
Another reason we went out was to check the water depths at the Old Railroad Cut. The lake is currently 2' over these chart soundings and the Beneteau draws 6'3".
A zoom out to include Malletts Bay and Thayers Beach. http://www.charts.noaa.gov/OnLineViewer/14782.shtml
This is why we went out there to check it out. It happened yesterday after we were there. Should have not been on that side of can.
At Thayers Beach there were a lot more boats than I expected. Most were down from Canada. You guys have another holiday?
Nice to sit in skinny water instead of way out there with the sailboats.
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