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Went out an purchased a Yeti Hopper 2 20 and three Yeti wine tumblers. The hopper will augment the tundra as it is to heavy to lug around and the tumblers will be used to drink the wine in the Hopper.


My wife rocks! Came home today and she had the back yard mowed. After dinner, she offered to do the front.


This is the first time she fired it up and got started all by herself. I gave her a little instruction after we got this mower last year, but she really hasn’t used it much.

And, wearing Chit Chat Chaw Resort shirt from our Bull Shoals Lake trip a few weeks ago. (Thanks to @swatski suggestion)
My wife rocks! Came home today and she had the back yard mowed. After dinner, she offered to do the front.

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This is the first time she fired it up and got started all by herself. I gave her a little instruction after we got this mower last year, but she really hasn’t used it much.

And, wearing Chit Chat Chaw Resort shirt from our Bull Shoals Lake trip a few weeks ago. (Thanks to @swatski suggestion)
Sure, next thing you're gonna tell us is she can cook and even back the boat trailer down the boat ramp. Does she have a sister???
Sure, next thing you're gonna tell us is she can cook and even back the boat trailer down the boat ramp. Does she have a sister???
Actually, she does both those things. Lol! And, quite well.

@buckbuck and @jcyamaharider have both witnessed launch and retrieval. :)

No sisters though. Lol
Just to give compliments where they are due, if you want to see a woman back a trailer and assist w launch / retrieval - @jcyamahariders wife is awesome! We were in awe the first time we watched their well oiled machine in action!
I become envious of those who can back up a trailer easily because when I am backing up either the AS or the boat trailer I always tell the spectators get out their lawn chairs, a glass of beer or wine and enjoy the show. [flag]
Sure, next thing you're gonna tell us is she can cook and even back the boat trailer down the boat ramp. Does she have a sister???
My wife does both of those things quite well too! She doesn't have a sister, but does have a brother, but he can't do either of those things. Lol!!
Yea...well...my wife can pack enough food and drink on our boat to survive being stranded on the river for 3 weeks...Every time, even if we are only going out for an hour or two.
Here is my F.S.F. - Freshly Surfed Face.
(gone ropeless that morning for a long time behind my boat)

I don't know why, but honestly there are few things in life that'd made me feel more accomplished, lol.
I know, it's a terrible thing to say, but there - I said it.

Finally, some of my pics are downloading. Love being out in the woods, just need to figure out how to stay connected!

Anyway, back to the wake and the evidence!

Well, the wave is a "@bobbie category" wake

Yea...well...my wife can pack enough food and drink on our boat to survive being stranded on the river for 3 weeks...Every time, even if we are only going out for an hour or two.

I said she rocks, right?

More work in the yard today, under a heat advisory. After some weed pulling, she says “I need a water activity, get me started on the power washer”. I’m off to mow, again. Lol
From top to bottom, the $10ish trailer coupler lock that I have used for years which broke the morning of my last outing. Second is the $5 lock I bought at Walmart the same morning, and which I quickly lost both keys to and had to cut off. Last is the $17 lock I bought at Pep boys this afternoon.

Once again, recently, I found it ironic that so much is riding on the relatively inexpensive part (the first being the hitch ball).
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2018 Opening day for the PYO Organic Blueberry crop at Willow Hill Farm in Milton, Vt. Looks like a beautiful crop with many still to ripen. Picking from 6 of our 10 varities now with the rest ripe in the next mo. Open 10-3 tue.-sun.
Pic of our Catamaran from inside a grotto at The Baths on Virgin Gorda, BVI20180716_112009.jpg
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