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Jamaica a mi yard mon! Too long since miya deha... Gwan enjoy yourself! Mi nah vex... :env: Big up!
Yes chilling wid mi f,
Doing ah night dive t

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Surfing the web last night I ran across this news story. The bullet being a boat exploded in the Bahamas in late June. One lady was killed while on her 15th anniversary and many others, mostly tourist were injured. One is a 22 year old woman from the U.S. who lost both her legs in the accident. The cause is unknown at this time but served as a good reminder for me to always vent the engine compartment before starting the boat after days or weeks of non use.

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Surfing the web last night I ran across this news story. The bullet being a boat exploded in the Bahamas in late June. One lady was killed while on her 15th anniversary and many others, mostly tourist were injured. One is a 22 year old woman from the U.S. who lost both her lags in the accident. The cause is unknown at this time but served as a good reminder for me to always vent the engine compartment before starting the boat after days or weeks of non use.

Ironically, it was an o/b...
what you gonna do

Surfing the web last night I ran across this news story. The bullet being a boat exploded in the Bahamas in late June. One lady was killed while on her 15th anniversary and many others, mostly tourist were injured. One is a 22 year old woman from the U.S. who lost both her lags in the accident. The cause is unknown at this time but served as a good reminder for me to always vent the engine compartment before starting the boat after days or weeks of non use.

Yes, I saw the story on last nights late news. She is a student at Castleton State University in Vermont. My niece graduated from there two years ago. Terrible tragedy. Be alert out there people, dont get distracted by the festivities.
I am always sad to hear about accidents on the water especially since I enjoy boating so much. Not sure how this happens however my experience tells me most boaters do not know or understand the rule of the road. I have a rowing skiff which is similar to a shell except more stable. I am often amazed on how many boats come up on me without beeping their horn to let me know they are there or try to squeeze under a bridge just before I enter. They must think I have eyes in the back of my head like our children did.[flag]
served as a good reminder for me to always vent the engine compartment before starting the boat after days or weeks of non use.

Not sure if you meant lifting the engine cover however I would strongly recommend using the blower each time before starting the engines[flag]
What ya think of that gum pole
Didn't see it, or didn't know I was looking at it. Nice park though and we enjoyed our time there.
Didn't see it, or didn't know I was looking at it. Nice park though and we enjoyed our time there.

if you walk to the top from the right side (per your pic) there is a phone poll in the middle of the trail ...that is covered in...gum..its beautiful to say the least.
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Found the end of the rainbow. But mother lightning said seek shelter not gold!!!! Had to pass up the fortune....
I know what the mother robin is going through. Our 14 year old Grandson is staying with us for the summer. He has a hollow and I mean hollow leg. :)[flag]

My 14 year old son is as tall as me (5' 10-1/2"), skinny as a rail, and eating ALL the time.

The worst part is, he's fussy. So trying to use him as a Human Garbage Disposal like my buddy did with his son doesn't work.
Out on the deck enjoying the cool weather this morning, before it hits 95° again, designing a bow anchor roller to fit the new stem head fitting on the Beneteau, seen on the table. They dont exist...yet. Going to have pieces of 1/4" SS plate cut and welded together. Found a source for delrin rollers. I will drill all the holes for the rollers and mounting to the bow. This, if it works as designed, will keep the 22# delta anchor away from the gelcoat.

Final run to check on the 4 th that repairs and upgrades were making the mark for a Bimini crossing... new plotter was found to need new mounting.
Right before the 1 hour rain20180705_102223_015.jpg
Made it to Pensacola for the Blue Angels practice. Clouds cleared up and they switched to the high altitude show.
