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SX 192 Mods

Well....????!! Water test yet? I've always wondered how trim would help/hurt these boats. Im eager to hear the difference.

Not yet. Have to leave the kids in school until Noon for them to get credit for the day. With my 2 week on 2 week off schedule we have to be creative to utilize our time.
Whoa!!!!! Best mod by far! Steering is smooth with no play in wheel. No wandering at low speed. Very good reverse speed, and you can absolutely sling the boat around in reverse and nuetral. The combination of larger jet nozzle, increased trim angle and more directed steering nozzle resulted in a speed gain of 2.3 mph. Ran 59.7 with 2 adults, 3 kids and full fuel.
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We tried the ballast bags under the seats, but couldn't get enough in the compartment with the battery in the way. It's enough wave for the kids, but my wife tried and didn't get any push, the rope stayed tight. I think I'll just put the 800 surf side on the swim deck and a 540 in the ski locker. We tried different trim settings and the biggest and smoothest wave came with trim fully down. With the trim up, the wave was smaller and rolling white water.

Here's a better video of the reverse bucket in action, some acceleration shots and a shot of the thru hull exhaust. The exhaust is the stock water box, removed resonator box, and crossed over to the 3.5" thru hull with flapper.

We tried the ballast bags under the seats, but couldn't get enough in the compartment with the battery in the way. It's enough wave for the kids, but my wife tried and didn't get any push, the rope stayed tight. I think I'll just put the 800 surf side on the swim deck and a 540 in the ski locker. We tried different trim settings and the biggest and smoothest wave came with trim fully down. With the trim up, the wave was smaller and rolling white water.

Here's a better video of the reverse bucket in action, some acceleration shots and a shot of the thru hull exhaust. The exhaust is the stock water box, removed resonator box, and crossed over to the 3.5" thru hull with flapper.

I love the video. Your 192 is a whole different animal than the rest of ours.
@SamCF dude your boat freakin RIPS!! Seeing all that white thrust for so far back just shows how much power your boat is pushing out! Unreal man! The reverse bucket appears to have given you near PWC level of turning and the reverse is crazy good lol. I'd love to go for a ride in that thing and wished y'all lived closer lol. Loved the flapper exhaust too :)
@haknslash I love the shots of the jet blast as well. I need to get it trimmed up a little more to get some roost going. I showed my wife a video of jetboat roost and she said it would be really embarrassing, but it needs to happen. Hopefully going back out Saturday morning. We will offload the kids and gear and gets some drive by shots. Should see a new top speed unloaded. Was only 1.1 mph off my best speed today with the whole family onboard.

I really need to get to some of these Jetboater's meetings, but my work schedule makes it hard to plan anything.
We tried the ballast bags under the seats, but couldn't get enough in the compartment with the battery in the way. It's enough wave for the kids, but my wife tried and didn't get any push, the rope stayed tight. I think I'll just put the 800 surf side on the swim deck and a 540 in the ski locker. We tried different trim settings and the biggest and smoothest wave came with trim fully down. With the trim up, the wave was smaller and rolling white water.

Here's a better video of the reverse bucket in action, some acceleration shots and a shot of the thru hull exhaust. The exhaust is the stock water box, removed resonator box, and crossed over to the 3.5" thru hull with flapper.

I want it - so bad!!!!

This is NUTS.

F@&$%^$ Yamaha should hire you immediately. They would have any competition.... instantly obliterated.

Here is one thing I don't get - how do you not lose speed with going to a larger venturi?
(not that it matters, the results speak for themselves, I'm just curious)

@SamCF you must be compensating for any potential speed loss due to larger venturi opening by being able to trim, correct? That's the only explanation I can think of...
So - the net effect for both mods (venturi bore and the trim) is the KILLER hole shot, and the top speed still 60mph!!
Not defying physics, but definitely defying wildest imagination.

If I have any spare time, I think I'm gonna start working on those lateral buckets for a twin. That trim though is way beyond my abilities.
But you will tell us more... right?:)

@swatski Trim and the buckets can be done for $525 per jet with all Yamaha parts and a trim tab actuator. I think that's pretty cheap when you look at the cost of the other steering mods out there. Save $180 if you can make 1 actuator control both jets. So $870 total.

Also, the trim down gave us the best surf wave, so it would probably clean the wave up on the twin engine boats as well.

The larger venturi increased rpm by 150. That adds more boost, better hole shot and top speed. The steering nozzle directs the flow better as well. I used a Deans Team extended nozzle which is a factory nozzle with a short extension added. This is said to increase control and hole shot.

The steering is so tight now. No play, and it feels like I added power steering.
We tried the ballast bags under the seats, but couldn't get enough in the compartment with the battery in the way. It's enough wave for the kids, but my wife tried and didn't get any push, the rope stayed tight. I think I'll just put the 800 surf side on the swim deck and a 540 in the ski locker. We tried different trim settings and the biggest and smoothest wave came with trim fully down. With the trim up, the wave was smaller and rolling white water.

Here's a better video of the reverse bucket in action, some acceleration shots and a shot of the thru hull exhaust. The exhaust is the stock water box, removed resonator box, and crossed over to the 3.5" thru hull with flapper.

@SamCF Your boat is just freaking bad ass!!! Period.... Loved watching the video and seeing the baffle on your exhaust... AWESOME!
We tried the ballast bags under the seats, but couldn't get enough in the compartment with the battery in the way. It's enough wave for the kids, but my wife tried and didn't get any push, the rope stayed tight. I think I'll just put the 800 surf side on the swim deck and a 540 in the ski locker. We tried different trim settings and the biggest and smoothest wave came with trim fully down. With the trim up, the wave was smaller and rolling white water.

Here's a better video of the reverse bucket in action, some acceleration shots and a shot of the thru hull exhaust. The exhaust is the stock water box, removed resonator box, and crossed over to the 3.5" thru hull with flapper.

This needs its own thread with more info!!!! PLEASE PLEASE
@swatski Trim and the buckets can be done for $525 per jet with all Yamaha parts and a trim tab actuator. I think that's pretty cheap when you look at the cost of the other steering mods out there. Save $180 if you can make 1 actuator control both jets. So $870 total.
Also, the trim down gave us the best surf wave, so it would probably clean the wave up on the twin engine boats as well.
The steering is so tight now. No play, and it feels like I added power steering.
Yes, I would say - the cost (low) and the fact you are sourcing the parts from Yamaha - is super cool. Makes me think:
  1. the cost is really modest if you put it in proper context - of wake surfing mods
  2. same goes for steering mods - no doubt - just looking at the amount of interest/discussion of steering mods on this forum
  3. this just confirms my suspicion that Yamaha is just nuts not to use their own technology in their boats
  4. as far as the single engines - this is "of the shelf" kind of stuff... (my thinking is that company/division has lost its soul after about 2008/2009 market crisis; so - now they have risk management lawyers running their product development, lol)
  5. this should be strait-doable in twins, but the buckets' side opening would need to be enclosed on one side - as previously discussed
  6. I want to buy a 195 - even more now
  7. should be it's own thread!

The larger venturi increased rpm by 150. That adds more boost, better hole shot and top speed. The steering nozzle directs the flow better as well. I used a Deans Team extended nozzle which is a factory nozzle with a short extension added. This is said to increase control and hole shot.
I think you are in a different power band than the rest of us, even as far as factory SC 192/195 (SHO, SVHO)
Boring the venturi opening will keep increasing the RPM but at some point will reduce speed - I can tell you for the N/A singles it is around 88mm, even with a reflash (modest) - factory 85mm bored beyond 88mm (like 90mm) - still improves hole shot but the top speed suffers.
Anyway - this would obviously need to be dialed in for different engines/pump/impellers. Totally doable.

@swatski needs a cold shower... lol!
65 mph would be so easy in a 195. That is screaming in a 19' boat.

I'm working on a video and parts list for the mod. I'll start a thread with that info.
Would you make a trip to Alabama and help me do this so I wont have to sell it for a larger 212X? My wife thanks you in advance lol
Would you make a trip to Alabama and help me do this so I wont have to sell it for a larger 212X? My wife thanks you in advance lol

Yes and while you're here please swing by my house and do mine as well. We live in the same city so should be easy to knock them both out in a day :D