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I have a lot of respect for anyone doing carpentry for a living.

Trying to fill-in/wrap around my boat dock and after a third guy no-show in a few weeks - I decided I can do it myself. Right? Well... yeah, kind of. It's hard though!



I hope to finish this weekend!
Will make loading/unloading much easier and give us some room to put a storage box.

I have a lot of respect for anyone doing carpentry for a living.

Trying to fill-in/wrap around my boat dock and after a third guy no-show in a few weeks - I decided I can do it myself. Right? Well... yeah, kind of. It's hard though!

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View attachment 73583

I hope to finish this weekend!
Will make loading/unloading much easier and give us some room to put a storage box.

Looks like you are in need of a 10'-12' utility trailer. Before the interior of the LC gets dinged.
Looks like you are in need of a 10'-12' utility trailer. Before the interior of the LC gets dinged.
(I'm blushing) I used my daughters' "new" vehicle (a 2008 MDX)...
My 16yo (who drives with a permit, with me) was all freaked out this morning as I forgot to put up the seats.

But - I couldn't do this to my new baby, right?
I mean the Landy.

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Saw this today :D

At a season opening party at the International Sailing Center. Good people, definetly drinkers. This flag flies as you enter.
The marina's for our boats, this summer, are in the background.
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Our bus ride home from the derby did no go so well. Big thanks to the local fire department!

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Our bus ride home from the derby did no go so well. Big thanks to the local fire department!

I'd love to hear the story on this. Looks like everyone kept a positive attitude.

These legends car look fun. My next toy
Saw this last night.
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My son fishing as we cruised towards the sunset.
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It was a beauty!
sigh. #missmyjetboat. 3 times this turd has dam near left me stranded and scrambling for a quick fix. Yesterday was the first tow home. Dead in the water, smoke roaring out of the engine with heavy burning smell. No power. No cell service. No anchor. And out of beer. And missed most of the hockey game as we just floated aimlessly up the lake.


Wow, bummer...out of beer and missing the game. Cant get much worse, unless you sprung a leak or had a fire. That terminal looks toasted.
Something was cooking for sure, but my fire extinguisher on hand was missing the hose (another +1 for me!) so I wasn't pulling the engine cover off to give it more fuel. Turns out, near as I can tell, the starter was just stuck engaged and turned itself into an unregulated alternator.