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This guy has started showing up and sitting on my pecan tree in the front yard. Seen him 3 days in a row now. Edit- Don't let the picture fool you, this guy is about 18" in height when perched on this limb.Hawk1.JPG
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Definitely not sir. Was that picture taken in hell? What is all that evil white stuff on the ground?
Just saw your new web site, love it. congrats sir. Love that Thing, and that green early model Scirocco looks good too. I need to get my 83 GTI fixed, I miss that car.
Thank you sir! Had many years building that Scirocco, full rotisserie build including many unique touches like the wheel arches that noone but a rocco guy would notice. I'll likely buy her back one day. Powered by a 2.0T engine from a 2007 GTI. I actually never finished her, and she's still sitting in this exact condition (sold to buy the Thing, actually). She'll be mine again.

Man, I love that car! I hope you get her back. I once had thoughts of swapping out my 1.9l (not stock) as you know for a modified G60, but those are like hens teeth now.
Thank you sir! Had many years building that Scirocco, full rotisserie build including many unique touches like the wheel arches that noone but a rocco guy would notice. I'll likely buy her back one day. Powered by a 2.0T engine from a 2007 GTI. I actually never finished her, and she's still sitting in this exact condition (sold to buy the Thing, actually). She'll be mine again.

View attachment 87060
Yes, I did notice the wheel arches and the ability to fit some fat rubber. Again, I love it. I customised my wheel arches too recently. LOL;)

Check out our new dog!;)
It’s cold out there tonight.

At 9200# GVWR for my 06 2500 4X4 duramax...I think I am running a little heavy.


Barely squatting.


Just add a little air to the 10plys. If she can handle a load like that "ON" the truck...towing the boat behind the truck is effortless.
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At 9200# GVWR for my 06 2500 4X4 duramax...I think I am running a little heavy.

View attachment 87166

Barely squatting.

View attachment 87168

Just add a little air to the 10plys. If she can handle a load like that "ON" the truck...towing the boat behind the truck is effortless.
Man.... look how small your 230 looks in the building. I would love a building like that!
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Man.... look how small your 230 looks in the building. I would love a building like that!
Ya, It's a great barn, a place to get in out of the snow. The boat is sitting there surrounded by round bales.
Perfect day to send some down range. A frigid 80 degrees out here.

I got to try out my new PX4 Storm Compact Carry a couple weekends ago when we went to visit the In-Laws. It was a toasty 5 degrees F. Needless to say I didn't stand around out there admiring my handiwork for too long. Magazines for three pistols were loaded up in the warmth of the living room before I bundled up like Randy in "A Christmas Story" and made the 100-yard trek out to our little range. Gloves were removed long enough to set up paper targets and run through the 8 magazines I had in my pockets.

It was less than ideal conditions, but at least I got to do some shooting!
What I saw on Saturday. Out with great friends for good times on their Carver 456 aft cabin cruiser with twin Cummins diesels. It was a kid-free weekend for us and them.
It was a little foggy, but no wind and hardly any other boats out. We probably covered 40-50 miles. A very relaxing day enjoying many adult beverages and no kids.
Just realized I made a small YouTube milestone today. Only took since 2006 :D

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Backyard with Boxers...