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Show us what you see!!!

So jealous...we've been dying to see this.
And I thought we were crazy with our three PONs, lol.
Yes, we own 6 Boxers! Get them from the Florida Boxer Rescue League. Love the breed. They range from 15 months to 11 years.

Black ice, Missouri style.
Literally can not walk on it. It’s terrible.
Everything’s cancelled this morning...

Send the dog out to get the newspaper
Send the dog out to get the newspaper
Lolol. How did you know????
I had to. It was HILARIOUS!! Wish I had the camera, the dogs ran out and... they had no idea what hit them. Thank God dogs don’t usually brake hips, we would be spending the weekend in an ER ward.

P.S. Finally, the salt trucks are out!

Here is their second, much more cautious take!

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We got the Shim and a new Franchise Hyperlite boards at the boat show for about $100 off of what I could find online.
The Franchise is for our growing teenage daughters, I have a larger one and LOVE it.
The Shim - im very curious about it. It is supposed to be the bomb for a smaller wake.

Saw this guy creeping around the houses in the rain last night when we came home from dinner. I kep following him with the headlights and he didn't know what to do.
@BigN8 coyote? I know it's been a media circus with all the coyote attacks on joggers in Frisco. Are ya'll having issues without the media attention?
Just a little bit here and there. Mostly attacks on pets, or pets missing.
This was my walk to work. This snow bridge across the brook makes it easier.

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Came back to FL this weekend. Took the boat out for a little bit got some Sun but you have to take the boat to the dealer next week both housings sound mighty 2 stroke dirt bike. [HASH=56]#bad[/HASH] pump housings. 20190216_150923.jpg
It’s a bring down. Duke, our 9 yr old German shepherd has an inoperable sinus tumor. This was from the biopsy. The family is heartbroken, any treatments would either drain him, lose his eye and maybe extend his life 12 months while living in pain from the chemo or radiation. We’ve opted for growth inhibitors to slow the spread and pain meds to keep him comfortable. He’s such a good boy, we couldn’t have asked for a better family member... well, if he liked water.461C7141-739E-4597-A0D2-59420E91B053.jpeg1C7B4B31-57EB-4752-AB82-10ED80909E33.jpeg
It’s a bring down. Duke, our 9 yr old German shepherd has an inoperable sinus tumor. This was from the biopsy. The family is heartbroken, any treatments would either drain him, lose his eye and maybe extend his life 12 months while living in pain from the chemo or radiation. We’ve opted for growth inhibitors to slow the spread and pain meds to keep him comfortable. He’s such a good boy, we couldn’t have asked for a better family member... well, if he liked water.View attachment 88168View attachment 88169
So sorry to hear this...our dog went into a siezure the other day and they can't explain why.....what you show above is our worst fear......they are family members
It's difficult. We wanted to do treatments for him, not too him. Chemo and radiation would have diminished his quality of life and we would maybe get a year but he would be in pain, prone to infection and we thought it would be selfish to put him through that so we could keep him around for a bit longer. We are going to try and keep him comfortable and when we see a decline, then we'll have it done. My wife picked him out as a wedding gift, he was there when the kids were born, they crawled on him, over him, and even rode him like a horse, he just took it all in stride. It's killing me just writing this remembering the kids doing all of it with him. He even stopped people from breaking into my house.
He and I were even in a commercial together about 5 years ago for Elive dog toys.

Finally got to finishing the guest bath 9 months later. Shower door... check! Not too exciting but it sure is when I now have my own shower.

Finally got to finishing the guest bath 9 months later. Shower door... check! Not too exciting but it sure is when I now have my own shower.

Congrats, it looks great! I am still in the middle. The shower door goes in Thursday and I will start the main tile next weekend. A ways to go; but so nice when done. At least I got the new toilet in quickly.