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This is Saint Louis, MO this morning and we are only about half way through the storm...

@swatski I was thinking about ya'll this morning when got the weather alert on my phone. It said about all the people who were stranded on the highway all night and with all the accidents and injuries. If that sort of snow were to hit Dallas we'd be in the same situation. The kids and our dog would be loving it just like yours are. Ya'll stay warm and safe.
I wonder if I can get one for work!
(I would need to wear it under my shirt and tie but it would still feel good on the inside, lol)

I wear dress shirts to the office as well (escaped the tie thank god), and my wife keeps pestering me about getting plain white shirts to go under my dress shirts because my logo t's are visible through the dress shirt. I don't think she knows I want them to be visible under the office shirt (unless clients are coming in of course)........You just need some thinner white dress shirts man :D :D
This is Saint Louis, MO this morning and we are only about half way through the storm...
View attachment 86520


Yawn. You MO folks are soft. ;) Call me when you need one of these (this is actually a small-ish one):

When you are a kid playing in the snow and you hear one of those things coming, you make sure you're nowhere near it. Many a small animal has met it's fate in those things.
Cool but a beautiful sunrise this morning. The camera can't catch the sparkle in the trees.



Cool enough to cause a "Lake Effect" snow cloud only over the open warmer waters of the lake. No wind today to blow it ashore.


Edit: And as the day warms, the snow clouds dry up and give us this sunset.

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Well... they upped the snow total predictions.


I will dig out tomorrow, right not I'm hunkering down by the woodstove with a beverage or three and a Hockey game.


Love it when it's this hot over here

In the race to see who would be first to dig out, I took first place yesterday.
You will always beat me, I love those short, paved, driveways. this was what I saw, this morning, plowing the first 12". plowed most of the day, long driveway, 20" and still snowing at a rate of 2" an hour.

Maia was having a blast.

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Saw 3 of these on the way home Friday. Strange so many in a 45 minute drive. This was the worst one.....

lol. 3 day VW show in Miami this weekend, that I completely forgot about until this morning. We did the Chili cookoff/beer/blues fest yesterday. I wish that was mine! Splitty busses in any condition are pulling silly money these days, and patina is just the thing to do these days.
lol. 3 day VW show in Miami this weekend, that I completely forgot about until this morning. We did the Chili cookoff/beer/blues fest yesterday. I wish that was mine! Splitty busses in any condition are pulling silly money these days, and patina is just the thing to do these days.
That might explain why I saw so many...everybody headed over to Miami.