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    free hit counter

Show us what you see!!!

Just turned down 69 to gardner

West side of monarch pass
Welcome to crested butte
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Today - Granite Peak, WI

Tomorrow - rinse and repeat, lol

Holy shit! I was also there with my family yesterday! Small world.
I'll be darned! Coming back today? I hear @tim h is on his way, too! We are about to run up there and hit the slopes!

Hey, if by any chance you heard of an incident wherein a person or persons engaged with a rental manager - that was not Swatskis! And the story with someone's wife ripping a manager's head off is a total fabrication. Besides, Kate is a sweetheart. Most of the time, anyway.
Not that we did not have to wait in line for about two hours to get our $hit after having pre-submitted all the waivers and pre-paying online for the weekend... But that's okay. Apparently they are doing a lot of new things there this year.
We love the place!

I'll be darned! Coming back today? I hear @tim h is on his way, too! We are about to run up there and hit the slopes!

Hey, if by any chance you heard of an incident wherein a person or persons engaged with a rental manager - that was not Swatskis! And the story with someone's wife ripping a manager's head off is a total fabrication. Besides, Kate is a sweetheart. Most of the time, anyway.
Not that we did not have to wait in line for about two hours to get our $hit after having pre-submitted all the waivers and pre-paying online for the weekend... But that's okay. Apparently they are doing a lot of new things there this year.
We love the place!


No, we were just there for the day Friday.

Took us an hour plus to wait in line, get waivers done, get lift tix, rent gear, go to rental building, get rental gear waivers done, get three teens outfitted and on the slopes. The people working, generally high school and college kids, seemed to do a good job. They had lots of them working, all booths open, but the IT systems seemed quite sluggish.

Kids had a good time on the slopes. Wife and I not as much in the lodge. People camped out ALL DAY at most tables. Other than that, we had a good time. Beautiful "mountain." Very sizeable for Midwest, of course.
Here is Mr Snowboard Maniac, @tim h himself!

@tim h Thanks for showing up, it was an awesome day of riding! Looking forward to going back, soon.

We really like this place.

20181231_122521.jpg Its raining today and after skiing 7 of the last 9 days and having aches and pains that ibuprofen can't touch, this will be my position all day.
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Beautiful day out on the Sea Ray! Yes my port tach isn't functioning. Tomorrow will be in the be in the mid 30's and crummy like yesterday, but today is sunny and in the 50's. Gotta love Texas! Happy New Year everyone!
@PEARCE Are you able to put heat in the cabin with your boat?
Passing the bridge on Rt 39 over Illinois River near Starved Rock, thinking of you, guys!
Not much of a view in driving rain...

...but this place is gorgeous. Looking forward to the May 5th trip!


Winter...when the water freezes over and your boat and flip-flops are on the Hard.;)


those are gonna scuff up the gelcoat a bit, better to let them thaw first. And that happens around 4/1.
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My daughter finally making my new veve guide covers


20190101_134959.jpg 20190101_141102.jpg
The old ones


I'll be darned! Coming back today? I hear @tim h is on his way, too! We are about to run up there and hit the slopes!

Hey, if by any chance you heard of an incident wherein a person or persons engaged with a rental manager - that was not Swatskis! And the story with someone's wife ripping a manager's head off is a total fabrication. Besides, Kate is a sweetheart. Most of the time, anyway.
Not that we did not have to wait in line for about two hours to get our $hit after having pre-submitted all the waivers and pre-paying online for the weekend... But that's okay. Apparently they are doing a lot of new things there this year.
We love the place!

I have a few tips for those who rent ski equipment. Buy boots for those who have stopped growing and have a custom fit done even after finding the right fitting boot. It makes a huge difference in many ways to take your own boots with you. Reserve performance rentals or demos at a local ski equipment retailer instead of the main resort. Better stuff that is better taken care of and swapped out more often. Less crowded and quicker too. Buy and bring your own helmets. Getting the right fit helps too.

If you ski enough days a year and always drive I recommend owning all of your own equipment and learning to maintain it yourself. New old stock is frequently just a different color than the current year and can be had at a huge discount.
@PEARCE Are you able to put heat in the cabin with your boat?
If we need heat we just open the cabin door and it's usually plenty. On sunny days the radiant heat from the sun is all we need because we're out of the wind due to the enclosure. If opening the door isn't cutting it we could use a small space heater, but we've never needed to do that out of the slip. Now while in our covered slip in the marina we do run a space heater to warm the enclosure area.
I have a few tips for those who rent ski equipment. Buy boots for those who have stopped growing and have a custom fit done even after finding the right fitting boot. It makes a huge difference in many ways to take your own boots with you. Reserve performance rentals or demos at a local ski equipment retailer instead of the main resort. Better stuff that is better taken care of and swapped out more often. Less crowded and quicker too. Buy and bring your own helmets. Getting the right fit helps too.

If you ski enough days a year and always drive I recommend owning all of your own equipment and learning to maintain it yourself. New old stock is frequently just a different color than the current year and can be had at a huge discount.
Very good advice! Own boots do make a huge difference.
One day...
