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    free hit counter

Show us what you see!!!

I was the guy in football officiating gear standing on the line where she was throwing the balls from. The guy interviewing her was Mike Golick Jr.
I was the guy in football officiating gear standing on the line where she was throwing the balls from. The guy interviewing her was Mike Golick Jr.

My wife was happy to hear the winner is going for for her nurse practitioner. My wife has her masters in nursing and chose nursing leadership, but she has a lot of appreciation for anyone going in to the nursing field.
Don't ask again, yes you need to wear it!
So that wasn’t you on tv @BigN8?

Me:I think I may know that guy
Wife: how?
Me: internet buddy
Wife: oh god, that damn forum. Your weird. Get out of the house a bit
I've made my "internet friends" my wife's real friends, it makes things less awkward.
Just got back from India, here is an amusing pic.

This is a switch for some lights someone hung on a street pole. Indoor switch just strapped to the pole! Lol

On the way to the wet side of WA State to referee some college basketball -20181207_132848.jpg a rare clear view of Mt. Rainier
Warning: Parent Brag.

Son graduating at the top of his MBA class at WashU!


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Warning: Parent Brag.

Son graduating at the top of his MBA class at WashU!

I don't doubt he was at the top of his class, he's never mentioned in any of your boating posts

Congratulations to both him and the parents
Kids must miss boating! Each kid gets a boat now. The picture means i must!
Lights In The water. Temp is 45 degrees.

I honestly don’t know what I’m doing...but I’m boating in December!1B2E6F79-06DE-4274-A890-725730138584.jpeg