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Show us what you see!!!

I don't doubt he was at the top of his class, he's never mentioned in any of your boating posts

Congratulations to both him and the parents
He meant front row.

Congrats too him BTW , Washington is a great school
Keeping the ice out from the docks at the Marina.


You can see the turbulence and prop wash in the water on the right side of picture. That is caused by the submerged de-icers like this. https://thepowerhouseinc.com/iceeaterdocks/ They are used at both marinas. 20181213_105600.jpg
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Here's what happens when you put 40tons of equipment on a 35ton trailer......OOPS They're coming back tomorrow with a bigger trailer I'm told.
Here's what happens when you put 40tons of equipment on a 35ton trailer......OOPS They're coming back tomorrow with a bigger trailer I'm told.
View attachment 85792
Whoops....I'd like to see the wheels....or did they take off on their own and say "Where outta here!"
Whoops....I'd like to see the wheels....or did they take off on their own and say "Where outta here!"

Coming back tomorrow with a 100ton trailer I'm told. I think I have a pic of the wheels. Let me look around.

1 of 2 10.5ft dia x 48ft long rotary dryers to process 200tons per hour of Frac Sand each. Very similar to a cement kiln or asphalt dryer you see on large construction sites. This one is a "medium" sized. We have another that's 14ft dia x 65ft long in production.

Mother of God...


I feel like there's a "that's what she said" joke in here somewhere :)
Here's the trailer. Not a great shot.

Here's the machine getting setup for testing. Note the full size person working under the front of it.
I recently purchased a tripler for my Meade ETX-60, and with the MA25mm eyepiece this is what I see.


From 15 miles away. I tried the MA9mm eyepiece but it is too much for current atmospheric conditions.


You can just make out the white shrinkwrap cover at the tree line.
This is without the telescope.
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Looking to the west on this morning's sunrise at 8am, I see the sun reflecting off the ski lift at the top of Whiteface Mtn.

From 44 miles away


My birthday is tomorrow so the wife booked me some time at iFlight. Pretty awesome thing to do. I was really surprised at how much energy I had to exert to hold steady in the wind tunnel. This one opened not too long ago here in Atlanta about 15 minutes from my house.

At the Galleria Dallas ice skating with the family.
Got a new gas pressure washer for Christmas to replace my Greenhouse 2000 psi electric pressure washer that died mid season. After a lot of research I decided on a Ryobi with the Honda GCV 160 engine which produces 3000 psi at 2.3 gph. Originally wanted to get the Honda 190 which produces .2 gph more but reviews for the 160 engine seemed a bit better. Cranks so easy and very powerful for my needs. Makes my foam canon perform so much better due to higher flow and pressure!!


Filthy truck which hasn’t been washed in months!! This is a few mins after using the foam canon allowing the loose dirt to move down before 2 bucket method hand washing...


End result....

Another Christmas present I asked for was a couple of belts made by Slidebelt. These things are friggin awesome!! They appear to be very well made and nice finishes on their buckles. I've had a few surgeries in my stomach recently over the last couple of years and the scar tissue is easily agrivated by pressure points of belts, jeans buttons, etc. So much that I literally unfasten my belts when I drive my truck for long distances to help ease the discomfort. As you can imagine it's annoying to have to redo a traditional belt over and over not to mention the wear and tear it causes on belt holes. I saw these slidebelts a year or so ago and told my wife to buy me a couple for Christmas so that I can try them out. They use a clever ratcheting system built into the belt and buckle. No more holes getting enlarged or ripped out! Easily adjustable in the fly. Low profile and sleek, modern looking. Gotta say I'm pretty impressed with them so far and figured I'd show a short video of one of the belts and how it functions. Link https://www.slidebelts.com

Wow. Talk about a power trip.