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Correct. It has a considerable draw I believe about 3-4 amps. I had it plugged off of the dash 12v outlet/cig lighter. May need to install an additional outlet on the passenger side. The blanket gets warm but not very warm, I had it plugged for about an hour total (?) with no issues.@swatski
I assume that is one of those blankets that plugs into the cigarette lighter. What is the current draw?
uh-oh...Decided to get the sled out and do a Thanksgiving run down part of the driveway. Could use a little more fluff it was a little boney and hard to steer while holding a camera. I know others have had similar issues in their boat.
Very accurate diagnosis Dr.uh-oh...
early onset cabin fever alert?
Pic not showing! Could you repost?This is how they collapse and store the docks for the winter at the marina the Beneteau is at. A different newer dock system at the marina next door, where the Yamaha was, and they are still out. Maybe because they have a fuel dock.
View attachment 85393
How about now?Pic not showing! Could you repost?
It’s visible.How about now?
Amen to that dude! I'm thinking about putting my head down and crushing some work, then hit the golf course for 9 holes. Supposed to be 75F and sunny today! Play 9 then come home and watch the Cowboys pull one off against the Saints on the back patio!@zipper you live in a beautiful area of the world. Snow is pretty and it can be fun to play in, but I'd be tired of it in about a week. I guess that's why we live in Texas! Every time we enjoy pancakes with pure maple syrup I think about you and your farm and how much work goes into it.
As they say " beauty is in the eye of the beholder " or something like that. We have been talking about where to retire and when to move back South. Then we could visit snow if we wanted. Pretty tired of plowing the farm out already. Would not be as bad if the ground was frozen so I could drop the plow all the way down. I use my Kubota, currently if you drop it you will push the stone off to the edge, so I leave it up a little and make constant adjustments to the plow based on terrain so I take snow off without picking up too much stone. We do it all for your pancakes! Where ever we end up...boats will be in the picture.@zipper you live in a beautiful area of the world. Snow is pretty and it can be fun to play in, but I'd be tired of it in about a week. I guess that's why we live in Texas! Every time we enjoy pancakes with pure maple syrup I think about you and your farm and how much work goes into it.
That right there is a pretty good sales job for moving to Texas.Amen to that dude! I'm thinking about putting my head down and crushing some work, then hit the golf course for 9 holes. Supposed to be 75F and sunny today! Play 9 then come home and watch the Cowboys pull one off against the Saints on the back patio!