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One of our dogs, "Ryder", has surgery today for a hematoma in his ear. He was taken to a vet this morning in all my daughters' assist. "Mitch" had a serious separation anxiety...
View attachment 85146

So... "Ryder" is back...
Kate just send me this picture, I don't know if I should laugh or cry...

So... "Ryder" is back...
Kate just send me this picture, I don't know if I should laugh or cry...
View attachment 85173

Swatski, Love the pic of the dog and your signature photo.. My wife and I were there last month and wish we could take a ride around to where you were. Looks great!
Swatski, Love the pic of the dog and your signature photo.. My wife and I were there last month and wish we could take a ride around to where you were. Looks great!
Thank you sir. I would like to trailer our boat there, working on Kate to permit the trip!
The boat rentals there are not great, and they also limit your range to about 2 miles from the docks which is worse. I believe we might have wondered slightly off course (inadvertently of course;):cool:;)).

Well the smmer toys are all put away for now. Getting back to work. Time to put the winter gear on the Kubota, tire chains, winch etc. This is my plow rig, but today it's a skidder. 20181114_110908.jpg I am in the woods winching out trees that I cut down recently, below the house, that were growing to block the view. Most will be used for heat, next year, but there are a few large Red Oak and Hickory logs to make lumber from, now.
Still a bunch laying out there. Notice the house thru the trees, top of pic.

From the house looking down I can see one big Oak and a half dozen small Maples that still need to come down on the left.

A little overcast this morning.
20181115_193322.jpg 20181115_193330.jpg .
beginning of the winter projects have arrived,
new impellers and bearing rebuild kit, hopefully I'll start on it next week,

also the new boat cover arrived, this is my 4th cover and as bruce had advised me they now appear to be a different mfg and fabric, it was on back order and I waited for 6 weeks, I was actually ok with it hoping It was because it was a new mfg,

hoping it lasts longer than the others,

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no, but I'll probably do a help post, I'm already nervous,

I'm following bruce's guide in the FAQ,
Things get really quiet around these parts... Too quiet!
Need to stir things up.
Kate's been traveling but when she's back I will need her to drive!
I have a secret Thanksgiving plan (involves wakeboarding), LOL

From the "Far Side" at Swatskis:

After days, nights of unsuccessfully convincing Kate to take the cone off before three weeks Ryder finally realizes the cone is not going anywhere...

Is that the cone of silence @swatski? Whahappened?
The secret brine stock's cooking! - getting ready (for my fresh organic free range bird, lol)


The secret brine stock's cooking! - getting ready (for my fresh organic free range bird, lol)
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What? I don't know if you can substitute "fresh organic free range Bird" for Fillet of fenny Snake.
I think you put too much "Eye of Newt" in and I don't see any "Tongue of Dog" in that brew, you have 3.;) Here is the spell, I mean recipe. Say it while you stir.

Just thought I would give everyone a little Shakespeare for Thanksgiving, and no, not a new 4' marine antenna.
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From the "Far Side" at Swatskis:

After days, nights of unsuccessfully convincing Kate to take the cone off before three weeks Ryder finally realizes the cone is not going anywhere...
View attachment 85265

He needs a little friend in there with him to keep him company.
So we turned on the National Dog Show, on now, and the little guy started watching the competition. I don't know exactly what he was thinking, but it might have been this...
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Enjoying a chilly day on Chicago.

12v blanket!
Swatski not stupid. Figured out wife warm good for wakeboarding!
