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2 weeks ago along I-10 west of Tallahassee and in Fountain, FL went to get my father in laws possesions.
23330.jpeg 20181014_135921.jpg Going back this weekend to haul the Cadillac to South Carolina.
The ski season has started in Vermont, Killington has opened and the snow is on the ground down to about 1200' in elevation, at least for now til it melts tomorrow. Picking blueberries yesterday, rolling up a snowman today.
Time to put away the summer toys and fill up that wood shed.
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Sorting thru the log pile of some of the trees I have dragged out over the last two years. These are predominantly Oak with some Maple and Cherry mixed in. Taking the crooked and knotty sections to heat the house. Saving the big straight logs to run thru the Woodmizer. A lot of quarter sawn Red Oak lumber will be drying by next spring with some thick live edged slabs of Sugar Maple and Black Cherry. But right now I am only interested in firewood.
This pile was 8' high, most has already been moved to the processing area behind the arena, or used to heat last year.



Hanging out in Caye Caulker, if I only I had my boat.

Dinner last night.
Saw this today, thought it was cool not because it is a fuel transfer pump but that he is fueling up an AR230.


Alright, which one of you models with your boat as a side gig?
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I just finished my daughter’s pirate costume this afternoon. I always make their costumes instead of buying them so they have something special when they’re out.

I’d never used a sewing machine until this year, and I’ll bet I’ve got 10-hours in the jacket alone (mainly because I have no idea what I’m doing).
Happy Halloween!!!

Someone sent it to me at work...
I guess I better watch my six! lol

Little late fall camping a week ago. Perfect because that spot is covered in snow now.
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Interesting tent set up. Is that a special camper or your own customized set up?

It is a roof-top-tent. We are lucky enough out here to have one of the pioneers in the industry out here in Oregon.
I wanted to be able to tow the boat and sleep my family of 4. The tent just folds out and already has a mattress. Even has skylights that make for a great breeze when it is warm. Folded it looks like this:
It is a roof-top-tent. We are lucky enough out here to have one of the pioneers in the industry out here in Oregon.
I wanted to be able to tow the boat and sleep my family of 4. The tent just folds out and already has a mattress. Even has skylights that make for a great breeze when it is warm. Folded it looks like this:
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I like this idea, I have been curious how we could go camp with the boat but only have one truck.
I like this idea, I have been curious how we could go camp with the boat but only have one truck.
Take a look at the CVT site - we have the Mt. Denali and it is huge. Basically 2 full beds with separate ladders and zipped openings. We love the set up.
The annex that zips on below has a thick rubber floor and could sleep another 2 people. We use that as where we change and store stuff. This is not us but a better idea of size.


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Why my dogs hate Halloween...

Well, if you two are gonna start sleeping together...your gonna need a bigger bed.
This is what you can see when you slow down on the mill and look for things in the wood. I see faces when I "Bookmatch" lumber. Not just cool grain patterns typical of hardwoods. This is one I really liked while cutting pine over the last 18 years.
I do get scary eyes a lot or an owl's face
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Or maybe I am just going bat shit crazy from boating withdrawals.;)

Yup, that's it.
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