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Show us what you see!!!

This is about 700 miles from the panhandle in florida and Michael still packed a punch. I cant imagine the energy this storm had when made landfall. Prayers to all impacted down there.

Man, that is a long ways away. I can tell you it was one brutal storm. I (stupidly) chose to ride it out. I ended up losing most of my shingles and water damage through most of the house. But I am better off than many people who came back to a concrete slab.
My life does not get much better than this, these days. Water could be a little warmer (it's high 50s) but who cares!
(I get the boat ready before work, and meet my excellent driver at the dock after!)

For all you boys that trailer!!

This is the Mountain Road (Rt. 108) from Stowe Mountain Resort to Jeffersonville (Smugglers Notch Resort). The white stuff is making it's way down the mountain.
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St. Meinrad Benedictine Monastery, Southern Indiana.
What an amazing place for a weekend retreat.


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I hope this is a sign if things to come, we bought a townhome at a local ski resort and woke up to this.

Now... how do we make it into a "Jet Boaters Havana Fling"...???

Hey, @Ramblin Wreck - I'm sure you can do it on a jetski :cool:
Logistics over there would be daunting, but...

EDIT: Shall we send @Betik - on a scouting trip?

You might need to hold out for Yamaha's new 30ft boat with 150gal. fuel tank *begin sarcasm* being released in February. *end sarcasm*

Otherwise you better add a few of these:
And a crap load of these:
To your 240
Now... how do we make it into a "Jet Boaters Havana Fling"...???

Hey, @Ramblin Wreck - I'm sure you can do it on a jetski :cool:
Logistics over there would be daunting, but...

EDIT: Shall we send @Betik - on a scouting trip?


We where in view of the water 50% of the 2 Days we were there. Did not see one private boat. Really the only boat we saw was a small ferry ferrying people across Havanna harbor. So I think we’re at least a presidential change away. Before small boats can make the journey. Infrastructure is just not there from when I witnessed. Or at least in old Havanna. Other areas might be different.
Best $300 I have ever spent...after the boat of course...
Put the kids to bed and watch some tv. Can’t beat it.

7211D864-6E5C-47E5-9D6D-92D3867B07A4.jpeg 6443357F-5ED0-450F-A5FB-5465081C2EA3.jpeg
Funny. I had to crawl inside some switchgear to terminate the conductors.
But I have heard the @jcyamaharider boat stereo.
That's some big power wire!!!!