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To go boat and wakeboard, or not to go boat and wakeboard: that is the question!
In a word: yep.View attachment 85102
So, was it right about here that you felt how cold the water was and you realized you miscalculated the Shrivel/Turtle Factor?
Is this Hidden Valley or Seven Springs ?
Trust me, dry suits are dry until there not. If you get a leak it sucks and you are cold immediately. A wet suit is bearable but a dry suit with a leak isIn a word: yep.
(They don't call those things wet suit for nothing...)
I'm deliberating investing in a dry suit, but man, those are $$$. For now, I just ordered a $20 pair of neoprene socks on Amazon, hope those fit in my wakeboard bindings. And a 12v heating blanket for the driver (because her snow pants and thermal underwear only go so far!) - hope she does not quit...