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Show us what you see!!!

My lake! Beautiful but chili this time of year... Utah Lake20181102_180937.jpg
I love that I get to enjoy a view of it from all over the valley. I stare at it each morning as I pull out of the driveway and drive down my street.
Only a few holdouts left and a few rescue boats will be the last ones out of the water in the bay. Mt. Mansfield on the horizon, Vt's tallest peak. Stowe on the other side.
The Beneteau waiting in line for her shrinkwrap cover.
Youngest daughters first day at the range, hit about 40% with a 28ga




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85 degrees and sunny, yet no one wants to go on the boat, I need cooler friends!

Mounted the new snow tires today, using some old school tools. An iron and a spoon and yes I cheated by using the tractor to break the bead.
This tire had too much tow-in and was a soft winter compound run thru the summer.
Ready to inflate and mount. About 20 mins per tire, start to finish. Will bring somewhere to get balanced.
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I see no caulk or putty in my near future!




Still 34 degrees outside, it did not warm up.. Sheesh. This white stuff on the ground is not going anywhere, lol.

To go boat and wakeboard, or not to go boat and wakeboard: that is the question!


Today was a bit chilly!
Still, so much fun, on the Meramec River


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So, was it right about here that you felt how cold the water was and you realized you miscalculated the Shrivel/Turtle Factor?:winkingthumbsup"
In a word: yep.
(They don't call those things wet suit for nothing...)

I'm deliberating investing in a dry suit, but man, those are $$$. For now, I just ordered a $20 pair of neoprene socks on Amazon, hope those fit in my wakeboard bindings. And a 12v heating blanket for the driver (because her snow pants and thermal underwear only go so far!) - hope she does not quit...

One of our dogs, "Ryder", has surgery today for a hematoma in his ear. He was taken to a vet this morning in all my daughters' assist. "Mitch" had a serious separation anxiety...

In a word: yep.
(They don't call those things wet suit for nothing...)

I'm deliberating investing in a dry suit, but man, those are $$$. For now, I just ordered a $20 pair of neoprene socks on Amazon, hope those fit in my wakeboard bindings. And a 12v heating blanket for the driver (because her snow pants and thermal underwear only go so far!) - hope she does not quit...

Trust me, dry suits are dry until there not. If you get a leak it sucks and you are cold immediately. A wet suit is bearable but a dry suit with a leak is :cold: