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How is that single price of glass instead of a door? I originally wanted to do that same kind of thing but figured water would end up everywhere.
No water mess if mounted right, there is a seal with a "lip" underneath that frame-less glass and another on the tile wall side. The frameless one I used has no adjustments - so the install needs to be perfectly plumb, but there are other models that have some adjustability with a wall mounted frame.
That door opens out all the way, but can only go "in" about 10-20deg. I found this one on "build.com"? it was surprisingly inexpensive (like under $300? - "Dreamline" or something) - but of course the catch is no guarantees with any DIY measure/install.

Took the boat out today to do a little fishing and the wife said she would go as long as she can see the shore....
Beautiful Saturday afternoon from Malabar to Fort Pierce Florida 3 boats with family and friends going to have lunch at Fort Pierce marina great weather 85°.20190302_124233.jpg20190302_124236.jpg20190302_124317.jpg20190302_124324.jpg20190302_130057.jpg20190302_132255.jpg20190302_134156.jpg20190302_134046.jpg20190302_134202.jpg20190302_135322.jpg20190302_163400.jpg20190302_163352.jpg20190302_124233.jpg20190302_124236.jpg20190302_124317.jpg20190302_124324.jpg20190302_130057.jpg20190302_132255.jpg20190302_134156.jpg20190302_134046.jpg20190302_134202.jpg20190302_135322.jpg20190302_163400.jpg20190302_163352.jpgIMG_0049.jpgIMG_0050.jpgIMG_0044.jpg
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First time taking the skis out since the move, boy did I make the right decision. Did about 80 miles, long overdue and just awesome water. Even got some swimming in. Good times.


Been stuck in the office a lot lately. It's a nice place, but dammit I'm ready for spring!
Happy early birthday to me.

Happy early birthday to me.

That's a sweet grill, wish I could have swung a RecTec, but I needed 2 grills and ended up with 2 Traegers instead. Happy Birthday to you! What's first, prime rib?
That's a sweet grill, wish I could have swung a RecTec, but I needed 2 grills and ended up with 2 Traegers instead. Happy Birthday to you! What's first, prime rib?

I was actually going to buy a used Traeger, and then the wife said "you know you're always gonna want it, just get..." I stopped her there and pressed the order button immediately.

and, to cook up what I have already, just doing a pork tenderloin first - but I'm headed to get the biggest brisket I can find Saturday.
A short Saturday Morning Cartoon for Y'all.

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Shameless plug......

OK Folks......... Get 4 FREE coasters with every 2 sticker purchase! Only 2 sticker purchases get coasters.
Click link in my signature for ordering instructions.

Ice Diving on the U.S. La Vallee on the bottom of Lake Champlain
There is a graveyard of old steam ships/passenger ferries scuttled +100' below the surface of Shelburne Bay and marked on charts. I have dived on one of them in the 80's.
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Since we didnt go skiing the last 2 weekends (30 days on the slopes still have a week next week ?) I finished my office. Still have a couple signs left to put up.

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This was in grand praire also,

2 nieces were in town for spring break,
Never shot before and scared of guns,

We solved that, great afternoon of 22 fun and they want to go again
