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Walked in to a small elevator mechanical room today. Controls from the 1920's are exposed 3 phase 480 volt. Sure made pretty green sparks when somebody used the elevator. Kept my hands in my pockets.20190321_125710.jpg
Walked in to a small elevator mechanical room today. Controls from the 1920's are exposed 3 phase 480 volt. Sure made pretty green sparks when somebody used the elevator. Kept my hands in my pockets.View attachment 90001
Great photo! Worked at a hospital engineering dept almost 30 years ago (when I was working on my BSME). Our tallest wing was approx 8 floors, the elevator switch room at the top looked just like that. Approx same age, too. What I remember most: the striking, unmistakable ozone smell.
Love Chicago but man is it still cold!

Can’t get the boat out yet so figured I would get my chores done so when the first nice weekend gets here I have no excuse to drive up to the lake!

Walked in to a small elevator mechanical room today. Controls from the 1920's are exposed 3 phase 480 volt. Sure made pretty green sparks when somebody used the elevator. Kept my hands in my pockets.View attachment 90001

Early in my career as a Control Systems Engineer I found myself squeezed between one of these panels (only MUCH bigger gear) and the wall in a dark Electrical Equipment room of a RUNNING ore bridge crane on Zug Island (I was working for National Steel, Great Lakes Division at the time).

It's a REAL treat watching all those arcs, sparks, and lingering blue flames flashing inches in front of your face while trying to keep from falling into the dang thing due to the violent movement of the crane loading material into a rail car. (There was a whole section of DC voltage too.)

My plan was that if I DID fall into it, I'd go head-first since my hard-hat was really my only hope of electrical insulation.

I also vowed that if I got out of there I'd never follow "Koko" (an old Greek who was probably one of the first human beings called a "Control Systems Engineer" and had forgotten more about Zug Island's electrical system than anyone will EVER know) blindly into an Electrical Equipment Room again.

This is the type of crane. (Might actually be THE crane. I haven't worked there in over 20 years so memory fades....)

Sugar Snow, wet and heavy, 12" in last nights Nor'eastah.


The dogs love it!


Spring in Vermont!
Lake Mead up stream (obviously) from the Hoover dam.20190324_144851.jpg
Englewood Beach today for my birthday. Place was silly packed.


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Early in my career as a Control Systems Engineer I found myself squeezed between one of these panels (only MUCH bigger gear) and the wall in a dark Electrical Equipment room of a RUNNING ore bridge crane on Zug Island (I was working for National Steel, Great Lakes Division at the time).

It's a REAL treat watching all those arcs, sparks, and lingering blue flames flashing inches in front of your face while trying to keep from falling into the dang thing due to the violent movement of the crane loading material into a rail car. (There was a whole section of DC voltage too.)

My plan was that if I DID fall into it, I'd go head-first since my hard-hat was really my only hope of electrical insulation.

I also vowed that if I got out of there I'd never follow "Koko" (an old Greek who was probably one of the first human beings called a "Control Systems Engineer" and had forgotten more about Zug Island's electrical system than anyone will EVER know) blindly into an Electrical Equipment Room again.

This is the type of crane. (Might actually be THE crane. I haven't worked there in over 20 years so memory fades....)

View attachment 90105

Looks a lot like Big Blue from Port Washington... Same style, but clearly not the one I knew growing up.
Tierra Verde (3) and sunset downtown Saint Petersburg! Beautiful Sunday...

I'd add the caption: "Don't walk in the backyard in your dress shoes." :D
LOL...Laughing because we have and we did; not fun. Bombs everywhere. We don't bother putting the hose away; we just leave it out. But, thank you! They all think they're lap dogs!!!