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Happy Birthday! My Parents live there. Watch Out for the old man in the Maverick Flats boat fly fishing Snook in the mangroves.:winkingthumbsup"

Well if you ever come visit them, I expect a visit too!
Warming up. The snow is melting/moving off the roof. Only a few more weeks of feeding the wood boiler.

3000 amp switchgear for a new plant. The wires feed a 1600 Amp distribution panel in another area. It is not dangerous right now.:)
3000 amp switchgear for a new plant. The wires feed a 1600 Amp distribution panel in another area. It is not dangerous right now.:)
Okay, good to know! For a moment I thought you were helping @jcyamaharider with another stereo upgrade behind the helm of his new boat.

54446D53-CFA6-4304-889F-09105545EA9B.jpeg. Just got to St.Louis for the presidents cup soccer tournament. Weather is not cooperating. The boys don’t seem to mind but man this sucks. 54446D53-CFA6-4304-889F-09105545EA9B.jpeg
Just got to St.Louis for the presidents cup soccer tournament. Weather is not cooperating. The boys don’t seem to mind but man this sucks.
We did this for years! Gotta love it; club soccer. Miss those days...
We did this for years! Gotta love it; club soccer. Miss those days...
Ya watching him play is probably my favorite thing to do these days. It’s about the only thing that I would rank higher then boating.
Ya watching him play is probably my favorite thing to do these days. It’s about the only thing that I would rank higher then boating.
Funny you say that, as we sold the boat to focus on our boys. You know that saying about the 2 happiest days in owning a boat? It's not true.


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I just install and wire.