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Pollen, nothing but pollen. I guess it's better than having the lake frozen still, but So. MUCH. POLLEN !


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Guess what city I’m in?072980AC-AD31-45E4-8A63-320D9E272D4E.jpeg
Boss's new Ducati. So jealous...IMG_0329.JPG
The "Broad Lake" is open and Burlington Harbor is mostly clear. But, Mallets Bay and "Inland Sea" are still covered.

Pretty wide "chicken strips" on that back tire! Need to get that sucker on some nice twisty roads and lean her over...
He does! He tells me about it all the time. There are some very snakey roads down here where it's "balls to the wall" type riding. Lots of fun.
This "Viper Out" ceremony happened last weekend. And I could hear it all from my hill top 15 miles away. Pretty awesome. I remember when they used to fly F4's and now we are getting the F35's.

The Vtdigger link has a short video of takeoff. I love these guys being here. Here is to a new era...clink, cheers.
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Well the work boats at the Marina are ready to go. One is in the water, far right. The ice is "going out" in the Bay, it wont be long now.


The color of the ice has changed in the last few days. This was Friday...as I posted above.


And this Morning


70° here yesterday

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Yes, we own 6 Boxers! Get them from the Florida Boxer Rescue League. Love the breed. They range from 15 months to 11 years.

We put our oldest boy (previous photo on the right) down on Friday 4/12. Very sad. We rescued and loved him for 6 years. Never gets easy...?