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The Boston convention center! Thought I recognized it but couldn't pinpoint it.
Are there any bee keepers in the group?
Here is a swarm that got away from me today.


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The Waters in Mallets Bay are navigable again. The ice was pushed out today with the help of a stiff NW wind and stacked up on the SE shore to the right. The work boat at the Marina is first in the Water.


The glare off what's left of the ice in the lower left tonight. Its all water now.

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@Liftr that's a huge swarm. Too bad it got away. All my bees left me a while ago. I haven't gotten around to getting more yet.
Not a bee keeper but s good friend of mine is and they produce honey. Won some local awards.

Often times a queen will wonder when she feels threatened. Sometimes the hive will produce another and other times they will fly off and die.
Not a bee keeper but s good friend of mine is and they produce honey. Won some local awards.

Often times a queen will wonder when she feels threatened. Sometimes the hive will produce another and other times they will fly off and die.
I figured being in pest control you'd at least know someone who knows someone's cousin.
I knew this was a risk. I had 2 Healthy hives survive the winter. Today/tomorrow I was planning to do a split.
I’ve been gone for work all this last week. I get home today, and go check on them. I see that cluster in a cedar tree, 50’ away, and 10’ up. I run back to the garage, get the ladder, and a Nuc trap, and get my veil on. As I’m approaching the tree, a gust of wind shakes them loose, and I watch them fly off!
I have several capped Queen cells in that hive ready to hatch. They should recover, but it sets me back on honey production.
I went ahead and split the other hive.
Then, I spent 2 hours walking through all my neighbors backyards, looking for my runaways!
Are you on the swarm call list? I get calls but usually for hives established in walls and such.
Fascinating how the bee culture/colony works and survive. But, am I the only one, bees freak me out. Just talking about gives me the wibi-jibes. Lots of respect for you all that deal with bees. @Liftr how do you walk thru yards looking for runaways??? Just curious (and amazed).
@Dean P , while the bees are swarming away, they will land on a tree limb to rest for a while.
I just walked the neighborhood, looking for a cluster of bees. A normal swarm is the size of 2 footballs, or a boat fender.
So they stick out pretty good, when you know what to look for.
I have a “trap” box. I put some old honey comb frames in it, and try to drop/place the swarm in it, and bring them back home to place in a new hive.
A swarm of bees is worth about $150, here in Ky.
@Dean P , while the bees are swarming away, they will land on a tree limb to rest for a while.
I just walked the neighborhood, looking for a cluster of bees. A normal swarm is the size of 2 footballs, or a boat fender.
So they stick out pretty good, when you know what to look for.
I have a “trap” box. I put some old honey comb frames in it, and try to drop/place the swarm in it, and bring them back home to place in a new hive.
A swarm of bees is worth about $150, here in Ky.
:eek: No idea that was even possible. When you don't know, you don't know. I don't know anything about what you do. But, like I said, I find it fascinating. Good luck in capturing and bring your little buddies home. :)
Just after our 3 hour orientation and pickup today. Gas in the truck and heading home.

Smiling faces wanted to check it out after we got it home.

So if I say meet me at the Orange Yamaha at the marina, Do you think you will be able to find us.;)

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Last night. The Randy Roger's Band.20190419_221642.jpg20190419_233340.jpg
Awesome concert! Played for almost 2 hours. Fourth time we've seen him and the closest we've been to the stage. They're our favorite band!
Well I do have rules about "No Hi-Heels on the boats" but I might make an exception for these. What do you think, Orange goes well with the boat and Hi-Vis in case they come off in the water, but black is more universal and goes with more occasions that we might find around the Marina and black also goes well with the boat. ;)



The story here... High Tide Heels
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