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Small fire on the pole?
Transformer blew up. Didn't see it
My eldest finished her Freshman year at UK and yesterday was "go get her" day.

I woke up at 3:18 yesterday morning (the alarm was set for 3:20). I was on the road to Lexington KY by 4:30.

The first 45 minutes of my trip was a little slow as I stopped Kwik-Trip for gas, coffee, cookies, and a yummy bacon and cheese sandwich. I then realized that my old Phone holder in the truck had broken 2 weeks ago so I ran into meijer (a 24-hour Wal-Mart type store) in Grafton for a replacement.

So with all that horsing around, I was on the road out of Grafton a little after 5:00 (Central).

By 2:00 (Eastern) I was idling along Sports Center Drive looking for an open spot to pull in along the curb. I was lucky enough to get a spot that wasn't too terribly far from the door of Woodland Glen III.

The kiddo had her first shopping cart loaded up (they let you borrow a cart if you drop your driver's license with them) and was waiting for me.

It took about an hour (and about 4 or 5 trips) but we managed to jam all of her stuff in the expedition with a little room to spare:

Note that ALL of the seats are folded down so the pile you see makes contact with the back of the two front seats.

It took a few minutes to get signed out of her room and say her final goodbyes (most had been said the night before). It's bittersweet for her because she won't be coming back to UK. (She decided that it's just too far away from home (the reason she wanted to go there in the first place) and will be continuing her studies in Electrical Engineering at UW Madison next fall.)

By 3:30 (Eastern) we were away and headed north.

I let her drive for a bit between Cincinnati and Indianapolis so I could catch a few Z's.

She had only driven my Expedition once before. Fathers of teen daughters will understand when I say that after 90 minutes, fear overcame fatigue and I resumed my duties.

Sugar, caffeine, and 80's hair bands paved the way home.

We arrived safely home at 11:00 pm Central time. The Expedition was unloaded (the pile sits in the family room as I type this), I took a shower, her Mom and I sat and talked to her until 1:00 when we all went to bed.

I rolled out of bed at 8:00 this morning and feel like I've got sand in my eyes. I knew I scheduled a second vacation day today for a reason.
I'll be picking up 2 this month from 2 different schools. Luckily they are only 3.5 hours away! Sadly though they both have furniture!
I'll be picking up 2 this month from 2 different schools. Luckily they are only 3.5 hours away! Sadly though they both have furniture!

I got lucky in that regard. We had only one (very small) bookshelf to haul. Otherwise it was just boxes and bags.

Her Mom nabbed her today and made her go through everything right away. So the family room has already been cleaned out and she's settled back into her room.

The 15-year old boy has mixed emotions. He's glad his sister is home but now he's sharing a room with his 11-year old brother again until school starts in the Fall.
Had to walk over to the harbor and drool over the boats. This one was from Hawaii! There was also the 147' Gran Finale there that I didnt take a photo of because we were chatting with the owner of another 55' yacht....he spends all his time cruising the Caribbean and the east coast of the US....tough life.


Here is a stock photo of the Gran Finale (little tub)

Had to walk over to the harbor and drool over the boats. This one was from Hawaii! There was also the 147' Gran Finale there that I didnt take a photo of because we were chatting with the owner of another 55' yacht....he spends all his time cruising the Caribbean and the east coast of the US....tough life.

View attachment 93400

Here is a stock photo of the Gran Finale (little tub)

View attachment 93402
You at emerald bay?
Had to walk over to the harbor and drool over the boats. This one was from Hawaii! There was also the 147' Gran Finale there that I didnt take a photo of because we were chatting with the owner of another 55' yacht....he spends all his time cruising the Caribbean and the east coast of the US....tough life.

View attachment 93400

Here is a stock photo of the Gran Finale (little tub)

View attachment 93402

That Leopard Cat needs a mast and sails. :winkingthumbsup" Did not know they made a motor yacht.

walk to the end of the beach to visit the shack is a must.. snorkeling down at that end pretty cool..
Snorkeling was ok....spoiled by the Turks....did find 3 golf balls!

While driving around the island we did see a red Sx230....looks like @bronze_10
When your boat whines, “I wanna go home!”