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One of these is not like the others... :D


Just got back from fishing opener in Minnesota and the Yamaha did a decent job keeping up with the "real" fishing boats. All I know is when the kids were asked what boat they wanted a ride in, they always picked mine. :p
Reposting @robert843 video of the Chicago trip which is buried in 20 pages of trip planing thread there.

@Betik’s footage is from a bridge, it looks like taken by a drone.
Thanks Robert for sharing this! it was a fun trip, I admire your video editing skills.

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One of these is not like the others... :D

View attachment 94134

Just got back from fishing opener in Minnesota and the Yamaha did a decent job keeping up with the "real" fishing boats. All I know is when the kids were asked what boat they wanted a ride in, they always picked mine. :p

It seemed like a good opener across the state. Did you do any good? Welcome to the start of summer!
It seemed like a good opener across the state. Did you do any good? Welcome to the start of summer!
We did ok. Crappies were biting so we loaded up on those after not seeing or hearing of any walleye's biting. Had a few northerens caught as well. This was from the Gull lake chain where our group has at for opener a very long time so we tried all the usual spots that worked in the past this early in the yr...

Were you out too? How did you do on your lake?
I was chest deep putting in docks/lifts. We are on Little Pine, North of Perham. I had two layers of neoprene on. With water temps hovering around 40, a person had to manage their exposure!!
Sitting on the dock looking at a full moon.
Uh oh.
@swatski dolphins in Destin are very commonly seen, you can’t really get on the water there without seeing them. They’ll even approach a pontoon boat in the bay on occasion, we rent one every year we go (until now, that is lol).
See them all the time over in Panama City as well but I have never had them up by the boat like that. Saw one playing around and jump clean out of the water the other day. Always fun and the kids love it!
Totally amazing!
How usual/unusual are these sightings over there, if I may ask?

We see them here too. Not like in Destin but always a spectacular site. They love the wakes and stay very close to the boat. I have never seen them in a pack in front of the bow. That is just awesome.
See them all the time over in Panama City as well but I have never had them up by the boat like that. Saw one playing around and jump clean out of the water the other day. Always fun and the kids love it!
We need to get down there! So far, we have only seen something like that - in picture 1 above - once in Bimini. My kids were so awe-struck they still talk about if few years later. It was @Bruce and @Rana and us, and we had a group of dolfins swimming with the kids for a good half hour.

When I lived in Boston, many moons ago, we were excited to see seals coming back into the harbor, lol. But that was in the 90s, the first time in modern history the harbor was cleaned up, and we thought it was pretty cool.

But man, those dolfins playing with a jet boat - that is out-of-this-world feeling!

Do you ever try to feed them, like the sardines or mullet like at sea world? obliviously I wouldn't try to hand feed them like sea world but at least just to keep them around the boat for a while? my kids would be going nuts over that,
Do you ever try to feed them, like the sardines or mullet like at sea world? obliviously I wouldn't try to hand feed them like sea world but at least just to keep them around the boat for a while? my kids would be going nuts over that,

I have not had them close enough to the boat to try. I also think it is highly frowned upon.

However, a buddy of mine had some video of a dolphin that came up to his boat and it seemed the dolphin almost expected a handout. So my guess is some folks do give them a snack or two.