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Show us what you see!!!

Haha. Funny. Not. Really.

No video - so never could had posted it: I got a black eye surfing on Kaskaskia River, IL.
No joke. I got knocked out, hit strait to my eye socket, by a f@cking large carp that jumped right in front of me.
Took me a while to figure out what happened, while Kate almost fell off the boat she was laughing so hard.
True story.

EDIT: yes, we always wear USCG approved vests. Comes in handy from time to time...

I guess that's what they mean by carpe diem.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog.
Where did we put the Slalom ski last fall?
Monster wake today!

My custom ballast, Gatlin swim deck bag, and Gatlin wake wedge.

We have almost no wifi here, will post pics when we get back to civilization. It’s awesome here, being cutoff, but it takes about an hour to upload this pic, lol.

First time out this year - Finally! Kids brought some friends. Water was freezing but that didn’t stop them, tubing runs all day. I did one slalom run but that was enough for me - hoping for warmer water soon. ( I did brave the water to take this pic as well )

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Drinks and lunch at the Dock in Burlington. 10 minute walk from the Marina.

How long is the walk if you're sober? :p

Funny, if we become unsober...a dock hand will come get us with a golf cart. They will drop us off or pick us up anywhere on the waterfront. Now that is a full service Marina.;)
Memorial Day at the Weedon Island sandbar with live music all afternoon. Well over 600 boats! Beautiful sites...

Me with some friends.
