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Finally found some time in the cabinet shop schedule to work in my personal project. We started remodeling the main floor of my wife's childhood home (our current home) 2 1/2 years ago. We've done some work ourselves and coordinated some trade work to complete other portions. The kitchen has been the last major item area we've had left. It's nice to be making some progress. Started the install earlier this week. It's now awaiting countertops and some upper cabinets to the left and right of the sink.

How it started

Looking west from the former dining room

Looking east from the small living area

20161210_151838-01.jpegdemo - looking east thru the kitchen thru to the former dining

Demo - walls and soffit removed. Looking west from former dining

Looking east after mouldings floors and paint
Fridge wall is now the former east wall of the dining room.
Standing in former living area now dining area.

Looking east from new dining room

Looking west into new dining area. Island is 13.5ft long. Induction range in the center. Bar height cabinets on the ends and seating along the back. Back will have rift white oak shiplap. Bar counter will be butcher block.
The small Genesh temple on my walk to work here in Bangalore


And some of the crack work they do on sidewalks here:

Glen Canyon (Lake Powell), baby!
Entrance to the Rainbow Bridge Canyon:

Where did you guys explore today?
It was another EPIC day, we spent most of it in the Reflection Canyon - unreal!

We also visited the Cathedral, Mountain SHeep Canyon (?) I think, need to check tomorrow on the map, Nav+ is great but does not name the places well. Dangling is awesome, I ended up talking to the manager for a while (trying to figure out how to get his job!!!).
Made a loop around the Antelope to scope it up for tomorrow. I'm crashing, I'll post more in the Powell thread.

This place is overwhelmingly awesome.

It was another EPIC day, we spent most of it in the Reflection Canyon - unreal!

We also visited the Cathedral, Mountain SHeep Canyon (?) I think, need to check tomorrow on the map, Nav+ is great but does not name the places well. Dangling is awesome, I ended up talking to the manager for a while (trying to figure out how to get his job!!!).
Made a loop around the Antelope to scope it up for tomorrow. I'm crashing, I'll post more in the Powell thread.

This place is overwhelmingly awesome.

SUPER jealous of your visit there. Only about 6 hour drive for me...just need more vacation time from work!
What the duck! Can’t they see I am trying to work?
My son got married Saturday 6/01/2019. My younger son gets married next year 6/06/2020
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Can they get a jetboat as dowry?! lol
Jet boats make for stronger marriages!

Funny you say that. My younger son's fiance loves boating (as does he). And, as they were leaving, they said they really didn't want to go home (Boston). We pray they return to Florida.
My kids swiming and hiking the Reflection Canyon... (Lake Powell)

Sacred Navajo Mtn - Head of the Earth, in the background of Glen Canyon.

Hole-in-the-Rock formation - which Mormon pioneers used as a part of a route through the Glen Canyon rim.
For wagons!

Playing hooky! 15599292675721817716920392841985.jpg
We took a short little venture into Navajo Canyon from our camp in Warm Creek this morning.


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