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    free hit counter

Show us what you see!!!

My 1 week old
Can you see the AR-240? Anyone from the Forum?
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I went to a bachelor party in Vegas this past holiday weekend so I didn't get to play on my boat, but I can tell you the plastic surgery market is going strong.



You can tell clearly tell who is severely hungover and who isn't. We actually had a "Hangover moment when two guys got way to high and got separated from the group, then lost each other. One without a wallet and phone who had to beg the front desk to call the room at 4am when he found his way back. The other rolled in a 7am.


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  • 20190526_132524.jpg
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Welcome to Willow Hill Farm. My favorite Apple tree is in full bloom. These ripen before most of the other trees on the property, late Aug. early Sept. It's gonna be loaded.


Sidebar: I would also like to thank [USERGROUP=3]@Administrative[/USERGROUP] for making this Forum the best place on the www to be. Thank you for all the info and conversations along the way. I feel you have helped me to spend my $$ well. A special shout out to a few members that have always been there... @PEARCE , @Bennie and @swatski , you guys are awesome and have helped me thru some life changing decisions in the last couple of years. And thank you @giroux68 for getting me to the 1000 pt. reaction score/msg count last night. I know it should not mean much, but it obviously does to this "old guy" living in the woods on top of a Mountain. Appologies I know I left out a bunch of you guys, @J-RAD, @BigAbe75, @tdonoughue ...........
All Y'all are awesome.

We trained down to Rome this weekend. I went there about 18 years ago and walked right in to St Peter’s Basilica, no ticket or anything needed, and the Coloseum I walked up to the entrance, paid and walked in. Now there was a line probably half mile long to get in to the Vatican....I had booked a tour so we skipped all the lines except security, same with Coloseum. Unbelievable the crowds there!836CC90D-FCAD-4FFF-BA20-343F06A45FFD.jpeg95D6CE8B-3C07-4BA8-8BD8-B3D58D8F4B0D.jpeg
20190530_163511.jpgat at the tire store. Went to get stuff in order to pull down to lake murray. Nail in a tire. Put the spare on and off to the tire store.
Northern IL rich black dirt. Blacker than new asphalt.
View attachment 95645
Looks like some of the dirt around our area. We call it black gumbo! It's got a lot of clay in it and isn't very stable. In the heat if the summer, when we have a lack of rain, the soil shrinks and cracks creating gaps you could lose a small child in. That's the main reason why houses in our area have serious foundation problems if they aren't built properly and/or not watered during the heat of the summer.
Welcome to Willow Hill Farm. My favorite Apple tree is in full bloom. These ripen before most of the other trees on the property, late Aug. early Sept. It's gonna be loaded.

View attachment 95401

@zipper I cant thank you enough for letting me live vicariously through you and your purchases. haha
I feel like somewhere I have a really nice, big sail boat that I keep getting updates on as my skipper renovates it for me.

One day - if fate allows, I will have to make a trip up and say hello.
All I know I will be leaving with a few pounds of your amazing blueberries, some great local maple syrup, and a lot of priceless sailing memories!!

Thank you sir, to you and your first mate!!
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Hooked Brian in Ohio up with a Coaster 5'3" and shipped it off this morning. I'm hoping to get out on one myself Monday. ?go shred that butter Brian!
Parallel parking with bow and stern thrusters. Sorry I missed some of it as I had nobody to "Hold my Beer" as I was trying to get out the camera. It took me by surprise. Very impressed with this Meridian. He moved directly to starboard off the dock.

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