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Show us what you see!!!

So you have the dolphins...
Okay, big deal.

We have Flying Asian Carp.
Beat that!

It looked a lot bigger in the picture than in real-time.

Hopefully your daughter's ok?
Still looks low, doesn't it?

It’s still low but coming up fast. 5” yesterday and 6” on Monday. The Castle Rock Cut should be open by the time you get there which really opens up the lake. Looks like you have a good map so you should be in good shape.

I’ll be there that week also, mostly staying around Wahweap. Maybe see you there.
CRC has 3" of water in it right now. Come Monday for the holiday, the only boats in the cut will be jet boats and jet ski's :-). I'm heading down there on the 30th. Will be at our houseboat in our slip (Wahweap marina) for the week, running up lake periodically. If anyone's around, hit me up.
Do you ever try to feed them, like the sardines or mullet like at sea world? obliviously I wouldn't try to hand feed them like sea world but at least just to keep them around the boat for a while? my kids would be going nuts over that,

It's actually illegal to feed them, Unfortunately, because I'd do it every day if allowed.
Totally amazing!
How usual/unusual are these sightings over there, if I may ask?


Thanks @swatski. If you know where to look, you will see dolphins everytime out. I've lived in Destin my whole life. But they like to hang around the East Pass mostly.
Haha. Funny. Not. Really.

No video - so never could had posted it: I got a black eye surfing on Kaskaskia River, IL.
No joke. I got knocked out, hit strait to my eye socket, by a f@cking large carp that jumped right in front of me.
Took me a while to figure out what happened, while Kate almost fell off the boat she was laughing so hard.
True story.

EDIT: yes, we always wear USCG approved vests. Comes in handy from time to time...
