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Show us what you see!!!

It was hard to leave the Glen Canyon!
It is every time! I guess that means it was a great trip though! Glad you were able to see it!
God's country...
We want to go back, already!

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My lap dog
The dinghy is in the pool. Training the dogs to be confident and calm in the small area of the inflatable. If we want to overnight, they will be coming with us and have the need to go ashore to use the head. We made it a game and they freely jumped in with both of us and sat as I moved us around the pool making OB motor noises. ;) Sorry, no video of that.


This is the tender for the Beneteau. With the Yamaha, we pull up close to shore.
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If you're calm, the dogs will be calm in the dinghy with you. That's the way our dog behaves anyway. I wish you could have gotten video of y'all practicing. That would have been funny!
If you're calm, the dogs will be calm in the dinghy with you. That's the way our dog behaves anyway. I wish you could have gotten video of y'all practicing. That would have been funny!

We will be doing more practice, I will be better prepared next time. As they say..."Practice makes perfect".
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A little rejex refresh and wheel cleaning with a mothers power cone. 20190611_180001.jpg20190611_182332.jpg20190611_182812.jpg
Where am I?
From the Burlington Harbor Marina Facebook page. We saw/heard the drone fly over as we were having drinks/snacks sitting in our chairs on the dock, listening to Jazzfest last weekend. This was the picture from their post.
