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Took a drive up Provo Canyon for work today which takes me past Deer Creek. It's one of many gorgeous mountain reservoirs here in northern Utah. It's been a chilly couple of days here, but the forecast is full of 50's and 60's... soon to be 70's. Looks like what little ice is left up there is clearing fast.

P.S. As beautiful as it is, I hate boating there during the summer... is just too crowded to enjoy on the weekends. Maybe if I ever had a free weekday... but that's a rare occurrence. Mostly I just enjoy the view.
@DieselCamel, I realize I have more things to learn in life, but that chart photo is Greek to me!
@CraigAR - I wondered if that was you. I waved to you as the wife and I were coming in on our skis, we were just 1/4 mile south of you.
I don't remember what time we rolled out, but we didn't make it back to Ponce park until the sun was setting.

nope, Zipper has farm dogs, they work smart not hard,

Image result for dog driving tractor gif
Those (dogs) belong in the "working dog" category!
Took a drive up Provo Canyon for work today which takes me past Deer Creek. It's one of many gorgeous mountain reservoirs here in northern Utah. It's been a chilly couple of days here, but the forecast is full of 50's and 60's... soon to be 70's. Looks like what little ice is left up there is clearing fast.
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View attachment 90707

P.S. As beautiful as it is, I hate boating there during the summer... is just too crowded to enjoy on the weekends. Maybe if I ever had a free weekday... but that's a rare occurrence. Mostly I just enjoy the view.

Rockport is breaking apart right now as well. Boating in the summer at that lake during a weekend is better thought of as collision avoidance.
This came across my news feed. I dont know if this info. is useful to anyone here, but here it is.


Screenshot_20190405-073222_Adobe Acrobat.jpg
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Happy New Year’s!!!

Finally 2019 can begin. I just got my boat out of storage at the fairgrounds ($200 for 6-months indoors).

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I went over to the apartment/sail loft next door to set up a better spot than the living room to finish the epoxy/urethane project on the cockpit teak for the Beneteau. Fumes and dog hair in the house floating around. And came across this blast from our past. This was us 16 years ago in 2003.



In 2004, at the World Cheese Awards in London, England, we won 1 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze medal. More medals than any other U.S. cheesemaker in the competition.
Man that looks great. What kind of smoker you using? Looks like maybe electric but can’t quite tell in pics. Oh yea I forgot to ask what time is dinner?

Pitboss copperhead 5 pellet smoker

Eating around 5. Brisket is resting
Sitting on the dock watching Texas Tech beat Michigan State in the final 4 basketball and I look to my right and see this. We love being here!