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I shouda known...not to challenge my wife to a race back to the marina. She has 2 blades, I have only one. Getting my butt kicked.

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We found a dog friendly beach a 1/4 mile north of the marina along the bike path, dogs everywhere, we are excited to bring the dogs here.

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Of course you're not going to win by sitting on your ass taking pictures... stand up, dig in, and churn that butter! ;)
Of course you're not going to win by sitting on your ass taking pictures... stand up, dig in, and churn that butter! ;)
Love it...I was standing up but the boat wakes made me sit down, because I did not want to get the phone wet. At this point I had already conceded the race. I know...excusses excusses! Thanks Coach.
Am i really here? Only 2 more hours of driving to cedar Rapids

Taking my daughter to a trap shooting clinic20190709_154158.jpg
Putting culverts under the driveway today with rented a mini excavator, to improve drainage during heavy rain and Spring snow melt.


Many projects on the list for this machine while we have it for the week. More culverts, ditching several farm roads and cleaning up the barnyards and the winter bedding pack.


Some fireworks on Monday July 1 in Penns Landing in Philly with the Ben Franklin bridge in the background. We went on the Delaware river to see the show the Saturday night before but Monday was a work night so didn't have the luxury of taking the boat out.
Chilling and grilling!

Party time!




Great weekend up at Green Lake, WI. 20190705_103048.jpg

This just came across the News. Gonna be busy around the Marina this weekend, since it was built right in front of the Coast Guard Station.

The USCG station has the blue roof on the right.

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Bet you never thought those "2-peg" battleships were real huh?

GLNB Navy Boat.JPG
Just got the mail, and I'm looking at a really expensive mailer that Yamaha sent me on the new 275. They must be hurtin with this boat to send something like that.
Just got the mail, and I'm looking at a really expensive mailer that Yamaha sent me on the new 275. They must be hurtin with this boat to send something like that.

got mine yesterday as well. We have a 5 mph speed limit right now on our road (due to maintenance) so I read through it while I drove home from the mailbox. The trim on it looks great, everything looks nice, but if I get to the point in my life that I want a really nice 27-28' boat... I must be rich and I'm just going to buy a Cobalt again.
got mine yesterday as well. We have a 5 mph speed limit right now on our road (due to maintenance) so I read through it while I drove home from the mailbox. The trim on it looks great, everything looks nice, but if I get to the point in my life that I want a really nice 27-28' boat... I must be rich and I'm just going to buy a Cobalt again.

Got mine too. Funny. Based on a quick web search, they list for just a touch more than I paid for my house in 1998.
Surfing is so much fun! I want to get good at it ...bad!
Baby steps for now but at least I'm finally not the only one driving - with our new setup.


How do you like it we're looking to trade in our Lexus for one of those in the beginning of the year.