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Show us what you see!!!

Can anyone tell me if this is a SX 240 or a 242??:cool:

View attachment 98101
I'm not sure I can pinpoint the "model"...? Looks clean for the year though. Be sure to give it a good wipe-down with some Boat Bling Hot Sauce when you get it if the water. ?

Wait, I thought of another one...

That's no 240 or 242... that's a pirate ship. You can tell because of all dat booty... ☠?:jimlad:
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Playing tourists today!98381

My sister and her son visiting for a week from Poland, had to take them to Chicago. And yes, I gave them my standard lecture on the historical importance of the Chicago Portage, lol!

Thank God for Google Translate! My daughter and my nephew giving it a workout, was fun to watch.

Garth Brooks in Eugene Oregon at the U of O football stadium. 1FC9E8A7-16CF-46CF-9226-EB27C17F5F91.jpegE9D4550C-B26B-441E-9B82-EC7216FD7C1F.jpeg
Playing a tourist, day 2 (hometown edition), lol

Low railroad bridge, and further up the river. About a 2-3 hour trip with the neighbors, their daughter-in-law, and their cousin-in-law. I'll know how long the trip was tomorrow when I check the hours - I'm close to my first oil change. My wife took the group shot, I'm trying to work on her photo skills




When you have 3 teenagers in the house you never know where you'll strike gold

Installed a grey and a blue Sun Sail. Adds a little bit of shade. Next outdoor furniture...

A air show happened, a guy in a biplane, before the fireworks in Burlington.

And fireworks now.

Woke up to see 14 emails on my phone. As a football official Today is basically Christmas Day for me!!! Our Varsity Assignment Secretary decided to upload this years football schedule on July 4th. My wife basically has 7 more weeks to see me and then I'll see her again in mid November!!!
I shouda known...not to challenge my wife to a race back to the marina. She has 2 blades, I have only one. Getting my butt kicked.


We found a dog friendly beach a 1/4 mile north of the marina along the bike path, dogs everywhere, we are excited to bring the dogs here.
