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Here’s a pic of one out in the wild.
Mechanic for a city, someone above my pay grade found them somewhere, liked them and thought we should have some. 12” I beam, 8”x1/4” tube uprights, 1”solid sq swing supports unbolts, rings, 1” solid bench frame & 1/4” base plates. Powder coated. Pretty solid swing so hopefully no hoodlums break these. I’m on #6 right now.
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Here’s a pic of one out in the wild.
Mechanic for a city, someone above my pay grade found them somewhere, liked them and thought we should have some. 12” I beam, 8”x1/4” tube uprights, 1”solid sq swing supports unbolts, rings, 1” solid bench frame & 1/4” base plates. Powder coated. Pretty solid swing so hopefully no hoodlums break these. I’m on #6 right now.
That's a Tornado shelter! Well, provided you can hang on to the bench.
Pretty cool looking "Lake Effect" snow clouds out over the warmer open water of the Lake this morning. Beyond is the peak of Whiteface Mtn.



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IMG_1433.jpgfrom the top of peoria. A black mogul run. Last of the day as the wife bit it pretty hard. She refused med and finished the run. Twisted knee and a slight concussion. If we ski tomorrow great, if not no biggie her health is more important. I guess that is the best part of our epic passes. We get to enjoy it more than worrying about getting the most skiing possible for our money.FullSizeR(1).jpg
Setting up the Christmas lights. I give credit to my wife, Willow for this one.


The sunset isn't half bad either.
3 barns. Horse barn, the old dairy barn cows down stairs and hay and stickered hardwoods upstairs, not in video. and the big one where the boats are, sawmill and more stickered hardwoods and equipment. The 3 bay garage was stuffed full of 30 years of clutter. Needed a dump run.

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Your blow boat looks a lot bigger in the water.
Was up at 5 for some reason so started detailing the wife’s new car. After clay, 2 stage polish and a coat of chem guys butter wax... looks like a mirror. On a black car.
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The Sunset tonight.



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So your going to drive that In the snow and slus?
Well... the wife will! I just get to take care of it for her and make it look nice.
I thought it was a photoshop as well but damnnn.....
